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Performance of Deepwater BOP Equipment During Well Control Events

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Stiftelsen for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning (SINTEF)
Research Principal Investigator
Per Holand
Research Contracting Agency

This project is a follow up to the recently completed SINTEF study on deepwater BOP reliability. This study used the information from the same 83 wells but looked at the kicks (48) and examined BOP performance after each kick will use data from the same wells used in that project. The project: Established a quantified overview of the deepwater well kick frequencies; Identified the important parameters contributing to the kick frequency; Assessed the performance of BOP equipment during well control operations; Assessed the effect of well control operations on BOP reliability.

Latest progress update

Per Holland made a presentation on the report to MMS in October 2001. The final report is available on our website.

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