The APEC Workshop on Assessing and Maintaining the Integrity of Existing Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities was held in Beijing, China, October 9-11, 2000.
The workshop was the product of the APEC Marine Resources Conservation Working Group. It was held pursuant to the APEC Action Plan for the sustainability of the Marine Environment in which APEC recognized the value of reviewing the issue of the integrity of offshore oil and gas platforms in the APEC context.
The workshop was designed to provide practical guidance to address the issues faced by industry as well as regulatory authorities in dealing with aging offshore oil and gas facilities. This workshop allowed for an exchange of information and experience APEC-wide Practical cost-effective solutions were explored, with the goal of understanding the programs currently in effect in the region and avoiding duplication of effort. In all cases, there was understanding of what the value added aspect of APEC could be in this matter.