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TAP-451-Global Challenges to Preparedness and Response Regimes Workshop

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
American Petroleum Institute
Research Principal Investigator
Madeleine Sellouk
Research Contracting Agency

The International Oil Spill Conference (IOSC) is the preeminent gathering of oil spill experts from around the world. This biennial Conference hosts more than 1800 people from more than 50 countries who attend technical and policy presentations, special exhibits, and equipment demonstrations. MMS is a member of the IOSC Executive Committee. The Issue Paper Subcommittee of the IOSC (of which MMS is also a member) will conduct a two and a half-day workshop in London, UK, from November 12-14, 2002 at the International Maritime Organizations headquarters offices.

The Global Challenges to Preparedness and Response Regimes workshop will focus on the critical assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of current oil spill preparedness and response regimes. The goal of the workshop is to discuss current oil spill response regimes and provide a strong foundation for establishing or revising preparedness and response regimes by critically analyzing response systems within highly industrialized nations and those nations with emerging oil industry operations.

Results from the workshop are intended to set the standards for spill preparedness and response regimes over the next 20 years. These deliberations will also become the basis for a panel session at the 2003 IOSC.

This project is complete. The summary of the workshop deliberations was used to develop the Response Issue Paper which is contained in the Proceedings of the 2003 IOSC.

Latest progress update

The Workshop was successfully conducted, November 12-14, 2002 at IMO Headquarters in London, UK. The results from the workshop have been reviewed and accepted. The Preparedness and Response panel is almost complete and includes representatives from IMO, USCG, IPIECA, Port of Singaport and the Nambia Ministry of Transportation.

The panel will make their presentation on the opening day of the 2003 IOSC.

UPDATED: This project is now complete. The Summary of the Workshop Deliberations was used to develop the Response Issue Paper that is contained in the Proceedings of the 2003 IOSC.