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Comparative Risk Assessment of the Decommissioning Options for Large Platforms in the POCSR

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
TSB, Inc. of Houston, Texas
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Robert Byrd
Research Contracting Agency

The purpose of this project was to compare the safety risks associated with completely removing 3 representative platforms from the POCSR. There were 2 phases:

Conduct an MMS forum of Decommissioning safety issues; Conduct a risk assessment.

Latest progress update

The forum of decommissioning safety was held in Ventura, CA on February 11-12, 2003 with invited experts on decommissioning. The attendees reviewed a draft interim report that lists the safety aspects of decommissioning Federal platforms offshore CA. A revised Phase 2 report for the project was prepared.