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TAP-503-Evaluate and Compare Hurricane-Induced Damage to Offshore Pipelines for Hurricane Lili - Rev. A

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Stress Engineering Services, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Ayers
Research Contracting Agency

This project will investigate the major classes of pipeline failure that resulted to GOM OCS facilities by Hurricane Lili in the Fall of 2002. The project will have four objectives: Investigate pipeline failures resulting from Hurricane Lili, including flowlines, major trunk lines and platform risers from both fixed and floating production facilities;
Compare and contrast these failures with those reported from Hurricane Andrew;
Make specific recommendations for changes in design or operations guidelines that might prevent or mitigate such failures in the future.
Suggest cost-effective methods for making existing pipelines designed by older guidelines less likely to fail in the future.

Latest progress update

Completed August 31, 2005.