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TAP-530-SCR Flexjoint Design and Performance

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Oil States Industries
Research Principal Investigator
Jim Norris
Research Contracting Agency

This JIP investigated the SCR flex joint design and performance due to concerns for early degredation of some offshore elastomers. The goal of the project was to close the current gap of understanding which existed between the design and acutal performance of flexjjoints. For example, in one recent instance it was found that an export flexjoint designed for 200,000+ years exhibited excessive damage to external seals in less than 2 years in operation.

Latest progress update

MMS chose to not join the JIP in terms of financial assistance but as an observer to provide assistance when called upon by the JIP committee. No reports were provided to MMS as result of our limited participation.