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TAP-593-Evaluate and assess the performance of jackup rigs that were subject to Hurricanes Katrina or Rita

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Offshore Risk & Technology Consulting, Inc
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Malcolm Sharples
Research Contracting Agency

In August and September 2005 Hurricanes KATRINA and RITA came through two of the main exploration and production areas of the Gulf of Mexico. These hurricanes permanently removed five jackups from service, with damage sustained to another 13+. A total of 23 jackups are said to have sustained minor to extensive damage. Early reports indicated 19 MODUS became adrift (both jackups and semi-submersibles). Several of those were swept away and floated through the important oil and gas infrastructure of the GOM prior to grounding or being taken under tow.

Phase I documented significant damages to jackups in Hurricanes Katrina and Rita and analyzed the cause of jackup casualties with respect to current industry standards.

Phase II developed a risk-based checklist on which to base jackup location evaluations to minimize damage to high consequence platforms and pipelines as a result of jackup collapse or drifting.

Latest progress update
