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TAP-606-Hybrid Well Riser Risk of Failure and Prevention

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Marine Computation Services, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Andy Westlake, Kalyan Uppu
Research Contracting Agency

The objective of this study was to examine the cause and probability of potential riser failures from operations through existing single and dual production risers with a surface BOP.

Task 1: A literature and industry survey to assess the operational frequency of use of surface BOPs for workover operations from floating production systems through existing single and dual Top Tensioned Riser (TTR) systems.

The comprehensive study will assess the equipment deployed and the conditions in which the equipment would generally be deployed, assuming that operations are being performed in the Gulf of Mexico.

Task 2: Based on Task 1, perform an industry survey of TTRs and potential component failure modes with emphasis on workover operations with a surface BOP. These failure modes will be based on MCS's experience and consultation with operators and vendors and will include details of Failure Initiator, Failure Mechanism and Mitigation Measures. Task 2 will also include an analysis of the frequency of occurance of loss on integrity with a critical review of cause and effect which will feed into the failure modes assessment.

Task 3: Develop risk assessment methodology specifically adapted for TTRs in workover mode with surface BOP deployed, building on methodologies developed for other riser types,. Describe how to calculate the risk associated with each of the failure modes from Task 2.

Task 4: Based on the risk assessment methodology, determine what mitigators/remedial action could be taken to reduce the risk for these particular operations. This may take the form of an integrity management strategy flowchart.

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