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TAP-612-Analysis of Conservatism in Offshore Foundation Design

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES)
Research Principal Investigator
Drs. Robert Gilbert and Richard Mercier
Research Contracting Agency

The objectives of this project were to identify and analyze the factors that may contribute to the apparent conservatism in fixed-structure foundation design and to provide guidance on how to incorporate this information into design standards. The research consisted of four tasks:

Task 1. Qualitative Analysis: Compile, analyze and summarize available data for platforms where the foundation unexpectedly survived hurricane loading in Andrew, Lili, Ivan, Katrina, or Rita.

Task 2. Quantitative Analysis: For a subset of platforms selected from Task 1, perform a detailed analysis of the foundation system to study relationships between system capacity, axial and lateral capacity for individual piles, and the base shear and overturning moment applied to the foundation system by the hurricane.

Task 3. Design and Assessment Implications: The results from Tasks 1 and 2 will be synthesized into implications on design and assessment, including possible ways in which the methods for design and assessment could be revised, such as the inclusion of correction factors in estimating foundation capacity and stiffness.

Task 4. Expert Panels: Additional review, input and recommendations related to the study were solicited directly from the industry via an Expert Panel comprised of approximately ten representatives from MMS, operators, and consultants.