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TAP-633-Wind Farm/Turbine Accidents and the Applicability to Risks to Personnel and Property on the OCS, and Design Standards to Ensure Structural Safety/Reliability/Survivability of Offshore Wind Farms on the OCS

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Offshore: Risk and Technology Consulting Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Malcolm Sharples
Research Contracting Agency

The project addressed three primary topics via a series of tasks:

Topic 1 - Damage and Critical Analysis of Accidents:

Task 1 - Documentation of all significant damages relevant to wind farms for which appropriate information is available.
Task 2 - Present an analysis of the cause of the casualties.
Task 3 - Present an analysis that provides insight into the robustness of the current industry standards, safety management systems, or quality and certification systems.
Task 4 - Prepare a Final Report on the Findings and Recommendations for MMS consideration in relation to Wind Farm Accident Safety.

Topic 2 - Safety Management System Template for Wind Farm Companies and Subcontractors to Submit:

Task 1 - Provide a template for a safety management system for transportation, installation, and/or maintenance for offshore wind towers.

Topic 3 - Design Standards:

Task 1 - Prepare a list of the required items to be established in a Design Basis document that a windfarm owner would submit to MMS for approval. This document would allow the owner to site the standards that they are going to use in the design.
Task 2 - Build upon the Design Basis document from Task 1 to include actual calculations/references of what could be used as a detailed design standard.
Task 3 - Prepare a Final Report summarizing findings and recommendations

Additionally, a workshop was held to further refine the results of the initial work.

Latest progress update
