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TAP-642-Assessment of Damage and Failure Mechanisms for Offshore Structures and Pipelines in Hurricanes Gustav and Ike

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Energo Engineering, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Frank Puskar

The objectives of this research was to catalogue for archival purposes details about platform and pipeline damage and destruction caused by hurricanes Gustav and Ike. The work will also evaluated technically what went right and what went wrong in order to identify issues that can be changed in design codes so these problems do not occur again on new structures (platforms and pipelines) or to identify issues with existing structures that can be remedied prior to future hurricanes. Part of the work scope included identification of common mitigation methods that can be used to repair damaged structures or can be used proactively to prevent failures in future hurricanes.

This information will be beneficial to the MMS and industry to further understand how platforms and pipelines perform in extreme hurricanes so that changes can be input to design standards to improve performance.

The scope of work was broken up into the following tasks:

Task 1. Data Collection

Task 2. Data Evaluation

Task 3. Comparison (to) and Validation (of) Design Standards

Task 4. (Identify) General Mitigation Options

Latest progress update
