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TAP-646-Engineering Cost Assessment for Decommissioning POCS Facilities

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Proserv Decommissioning Contractors and Engineers, Inc.
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Robert Byrd

The contractor performed a technical review and cost assessment applicable to Pacific OCS Region Offshore Facility Decommissioning. The specific tasks include: (1) review and update the decommissioning scenarios for OCS platforms, (2) review and update the engineering cost assumptions and methodologies, and (3) review and update the costs for each phase of the decommissioning process.

Latest progress update

Study was completed in January, 2010.

Volume I of the study consists of 80+ pages summarizing the study's work and findings. Volume 2 of the report consists of 800+ pages of appendices providing detailed information and cost estimates/analysis of decommissioning activities, equipment, services, and contingencies for provisional work, weather delays, project management, engineering and planning costs, etc. Both reports are provided in the Reports Section below.

Associated Attachments