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TAP-664-Safebuck Phase III and Safebuck Geo JIPs

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
OTM Consulting Ltd.
Research Principal Investigator
Peter Sawyer

Increase knowledge, and thereby reduce conservatisms, associated with the design process and related limit states of deepwater pipeline design. The key areas of work are: Undertake structural reliability analysis (SRA) to confirm that the SAFEBUCK Design Guideline methodology ensures that the pipeline failure probabilities are consistent with industry targets;
Collection of data on operating pipelines to generate lessons for future design by sharing the combined knowledge of lessons learned from recent projects;
Formalization of the SAFEBUCK Design Guideline into an Industry Recommended Practice;
Development of a new 'force-resultant plasticity model' to run inside standard software packages, capturing experience from modeling and testing lateral pipe-soil interaction; and
Review of axial friction response, based on recent project-specific tests to improve our understanding and quantify the key uncertainties

Latest progress update

Multiple reports and modelling studies have resulted from this JIP under 3 main topics: Design, Lateral Pipe-Soil Interaction, and Axial Pipe-Soil Interaction. The final report is an Industry Recommended Practice and tentatively due December 2014. These reports are confidential to paying members for a period of 1 year from the end of the study or release of the final report, whichever is later.