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TAP-704-Climatology and Simulation of Eddies/Eddy Joint Industry Project (CASE/EJIP)

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Chevron is the Joint Industry Project Operator
Research Principal Investigator
Jim Stear

The consolidated CASE/EJIP, like the two previous projects, will provide unique data to the Gulf of Mexico region to meet our physical oceanography data needs.

ChevronTexaco is the JIP operator and is responsible for the administration of the project. A Technical Advisory Committee, made up of one representative from each member group, provides the vision, leadership, consensus, approval, and strategy for performance and execution of projects. Membership in CASE/EJIP will also provide BSEE with access to reports, raw and reduced data products, and model runs. Access to the CASE/EJIP database and numerical modeling results will help us understand important physical oceanographic processes when observations are limited or unavailable. Membership will also provide BSEE with beneficial interactions with industry's physical oceanographers.

Latest progress update

Confidential with varying release dates. JIP has gathered data for new project on the Gulf of Mexico Mesoscale Convective System and Squall Characterization. Task 1 draft report on a major gust event that impacted the Gulf of Mexico on April 3 2013 and Task 2 draft report on a Historical Data Review of the April 3 2013 event received Dec 20.