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Proposed Research on Safety Technology Verification for Materials and Corrosions in the US Outer Continental Shelf. (HPHT Materials Evaluation)

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Battelle Memorial Institute, 505 King Avenue, Columbus, Ohio
Research Principal Investigator
Mr. Andrew Duguid, Battelle (Program Manager) Mr. Joel Elhard (Principle Investigator - alternate contact)
Research Contract Award Value

The main objective is to determine and evaluate the material properties; and compatibility of potential elastomers and composite materials for use in downhole packers and measurement electronics (e.g. polymer infused cable, wire line fiber optics) during HPHT oil and gas operations. The proposed work is to conduct laboratory testing of various elastomers materials utilizing various standards and a series of laboratory test procedures; acquire the physical properties during laboratory testing at various high pressures and high temperatures conditions; and create a FEA model for material properties that should be submitted by operators in plan and permits to demonstrate that the equipment is fit for service in high pressures high temperature (HPHT) oil and gas operations.

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