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Surface Water Droplet Size Distribution (DSD) Instruments: Laboratory Validation, Tank Deployment, and Field Evaluation

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Performing Activity
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Research Principal Investigator
Dr. Michel Boufadel
Research Contract Award Value

BSEE Response Research Branch is undertaking the DSD Instrument Evaluation project to better understand how surface water dispersant monitoring, as specified by the NCP SubPart J Monitoring Rule, can be practically implemented with existing technology, with specific emphasis on detection of oil and dispersed oil droplets in depths of 1 to 5 meters. The three main objectives of this project are:

  1. laboratory validation to test the accuracy of the instruments;
  2. tank deployment to test many operational aspects of the instruments, such as the towing capabilities, carriage systems, data processing, etc.; and
  3. field evaluation to test the instruments on a vessel at sea..
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