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Test Effort: Analysis of the Efficacy of Conventional Sorbent Materials Exposed to Selected Categories of Dielectric Fluids

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Initiation Date (Award Date)
Research Performing Activity
Research Principal Investigator
Steve Buschang
Research Contract Award Value

This new project will test Type I sorbents efficacy when exposed to three - (3) categories of Dielectric fluids. These will include natural ester, synthetic ester, and mineral oil (hydrocarbon) based fluids. The work will be performed at Ohmsett with testing completed to BSEE Oil Spill Research and Response (OSRR) project specifications. It will compare the findings to a selected control conventional oil product and will provide performance data to stakeholders to facilitate decision making for oil spill preparedness and response operations. 

Latest progress update

A Task Order (TO)  was executed on August 9, 2023. A kickoff meeting will be held within two weeks of this data as per contract provisions.