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Testing of Oil Spill Technologies (TOST) 2023: Performance Testing of Oil Recovery Skimmers with Selected Dielectric Fluids

Office/Division Program
Project Number
Research Performing Activity
Research Principal Investigator
Kristi McKinney, BSEE & Michael Wurl, USCG
Research Contract Award Value

This project partners with the United States Coast Guard Research and Development Center to test oil recovery skimmer systems to gain insight on the capabilities, limitations, and applicability of using these systems to recover dielectric fluids. The research will focus on types of skimmers referenced for use in the expanding offshore wind energy sector's oil spill response plans. The project will investigate and report on noted differences between recovery of a synthetic mineral oil, a synthetic ester fluid, and a standard test oil. This project will be conducted under the "Testing of Oil Spill Technologies" 2023 initiative.

Latest progress update

Testing is scheduled for October 2023 at the National Oil Spill Response Research and Renewable Energy Test Facility (Ohmsett).