Notices to Lessees and Operators (NTLs) are formal documents that provide clarification, description, or interpretation of a regulation or OCS standard; provide guidelines on the implementation of a special lease stipulation or regional requirement; provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement; or transmit administrative information such as current telephone listings and a change in BSEE personnel or office address. Letters to Lessees and Operators (LTLs) and Information to Lessees and Operators (ITLs) are also formal documents that provide additional information and clarification, or interpretation of a regulation, OCS standard, or regional requirement, or provide a better understanding of the scope and meaning of a regulation by explaining BSEE interpretation of a requirement.
To view expired or superseded NTLs, select a different NTL status and select submit.
Clarifies the definitions of sidetrack and bypass wells, and provides guidance for naming subsea well completions; makes minor formatting changes and includes guidance document statement.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes NTL No. 2006-P04, Well Records Submittal; Elimination of Paper Copy Data Submittals. In this NTL, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Regulation, and Enforcement (BOEMRE), formerly Minerals Management Service (MMS), Pacific OCS Region (POCSR) defines the procedures on how lessees/operators submit well records required by 30 CFR 250.468 and 469 and clarifies the specific well records you must submit, the required submittal dates of the various well records, and the correct locations where you must send these well records. Additionally, this NTL now requires that Lessees and Operators submit digital Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) well log data.
Notifies lessees and operators that BOEM and BSEE may be required, in a writing, to conduct Notifies POCS lessees and operators of policy allowing for limited suspension of certain testing requirements for standby flaring equipment and pressure safety relief values when such tests coincide with an emergency health event that activates local air emission abatement measures. These measures include shutdown or suspension of industrial sources as identified by the state of California. MMs authorizes pre-approval of suspensions of testing standby equipment and safety relief valves during or in anticipation of 2nd or 3rd stage episodes to reduce air pollution.
Plans and Information, Pollution Prevention and Control
Provides notice of inspection results and discovery of bypass around natural gas royalty meter, and need to make lessees aware of policies regarding proving/calibration and site security requirements of various meter/tank status classifications such as active, inactive, terminated.
Production Measurement, Surface Commingling & Security
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes NTL Nos. 2006-G16 and 2006-G16 Addendum 1 on this subject. In this new NTL, the Minerals Management Service (MMS) Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (GOMR) defines the procedures on how lessees/operators submit well records required by 30 CFR 250.468 and 469, and clarifies the specific well records you must submit, the required submittal dates of the various well records, and the correct locations where you must send these well records. Additionally, this NTL now requires that Lessees and Operators submit digital Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) well log data.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) provides guidance on evaluating and managing wells that have casing pressure and supersedes the Letter to Lessees and Operators (LTL) titled Policy Concerning Sustained Casing Pressure, dated January 13, 1994, and NTL No. 2005-G09, Static Casing Pressure Less than 100 psig, effective June 1, 2005. The policy changes set forth in this NTL significantly reduce the paperwork burden concerning the reporting of casing pressure conditions, the number of departure requests, and the frequency of casing pressure diagnostic testing.
This NTL is being issued pursuant to 30 CFR 250.103 to provide information on the marine trash and debris awareness training video and slide show, and both postal and email addresses for submitting annual training reports. This NTL supersedes and replaces NTL No. 2007-G03, effective February 7, 2007, on this subject and applies to all existing and future oil and gas operations in the Gulf of Mexico OCS.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes NTL No. 2003-G03, effective January 23, 2003, and is being issued to provide for remotely operated vehicle (ROV) surveys in three additional grid areas and to make minor technical amendments. The NTL provides guidance with regard to ROV surveys and reports in deepwater areas (water depths greater than 400 meters) of the Gulf of Mexico.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) provides the availability date of well data and information submitted to the Minerals Management Service (MMS) as described in NTL 2006-G16, effective July 15, 2006. Release of data and information to the public is required by 30 CFR 250.197. MMS collects, verifies, and stores data and information by the well’s unique 12-digit American Petroleum Institute (API) number assigned by the MMS. MMS uses the data and information collected to make informed regulatory decisions based on complete and accurate well records.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is issued pursuant to 30 CFR 250.103 and supersedes NTL No. 2005-G08, effective May 31, 2005. It updates the main telephone numbers and facsimile numbers for the Minerals Management Service (MMS) Gulf of Mexico OCS Region (GOMR) New Orleans, Lafayette, and Lake Jackson District offices and updates a regulatory reference.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators is being issued to distribute a recent decision by the Director of the Office of Hearings and Appeals that provides the agency interpretation of certain regulations governing the granting/denial of requests for Suspensions of Production (SOP).
Clarifies policies and procedures for submitting Oil Spill Financial Responsibility documents; adds new definitions to 30 CFR 253.3; provides guidance on how to determine if a facility is covered by the certificate of financial responsibility requirements.
Financial Responsibility at 30 CFR 253, Oil Spill Prevention Act of 1990
The purpose of this Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is to provide updated information in the BOEMRE OCS Civil Penalties Program. This NTL replaces the assessment matrix provided in NTL No. 2007-N02. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA 90) requires the Secretary of the Interior to adjust the maximum civil penalty to reflect any increases in the Consumer Price Index.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators is issued pursuant to 30 CFR 250.103. It supersedes NTL No. 96-10, dated December 5, 1996. It provides contact and Paperwork Reduction Act information, updates regulatory citations, adds a definition, and makes minor technical amendments.
Authority – This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is issued pursuant to regulations at 30 CFR 203.0 and §§ 203.40 through 203.48, which govern deep-gas royalty relief for Gulf of Mexico shallow-water leases. Purpose and Need for NTL – This NTL provides guidance and clarification to operators electing to exercise the option to replace the deep-gas provisions in the lease instrument (leases that were issued from 2001 through 2003) with the deep-gas royalty relief terms and conditions provided in the regulations mentioned above and effective May 3, 2004. Pursuant to 30 CFR 203.48 and NTL No. 2004-G13, you may exercise this option by providing a written notification of your decision to the Regional Supervisor for Production and Development before September 1, 2004.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is issued pursuant to 30 CFR 250.103. It provides guidance to ensure that the design of new OCS platforms and related structures fully considers the specific environmental conditions at the platform location as required by 30 CFR 250.900(a).
Informs lessees and operators of required statements, signed by company official, that it will conduct all authorized activities in compliance with applicable regulations, including Increased Safety Measures regulation at 75 FR 63346, when using BOPs or surface BOPs on floating facilities.
General Requirements, Part 254 Oil Spill Response Requirements, Well Operations and Equipment
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes NTL No. 2003-P05, Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) Requirements. It establishes the National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standard MROl 75-2003, "Standard Material Requirements, Metals for Sulfide Stress Cracking and Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistance in Sour Oilfield Environments," as representing best available and safest technology, provides further guidance on classifying an area for the presence of H2S, includes guidance on H2S detection, updates regulatory citations, and includes a guidance document statement.
Temporary Helideck Closures - This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) offers guidance on the recoemmended safety practice of visual signaling and notification of a temporary helideck closure.
UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR MINERALS MANAGEMENT SERVICE NTL No.2000-N07 Issue Date: November 9, 2000 Effective Date: May 1, 2001 NOTICE TO LESSEES AND OPERATORS OF FEDERAL OIL AND GAS LEASES ON THE OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF Well Naming and Numbering Standards When this Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) t
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) offers guidance on the procedures to follow if flare/vent meters are required at your facility under 30 CFR 250, Subpart K, Oil and Gas Production Requirements. This NTL replaces and supersedes NTL No. 2010-N09.
The Minerals Management Service (MMS) is sponsoring the "2nd International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations," April8-10, 2002, in Houston, Texas. This workshop (HFW2002) will build oli the information presented at the 1st International Workshop on Human Factors in Offshore Operations which was sponsored by MMS in 1996. HFW2002 provides the opportunity for regulatory agencies, certification bodies, and industry to discuss and review human factors tools that can be applied effectively to improve safety, quality, and reliability of offshore operations and reduce incidents. White papers from the working groups at the 2 ~ day workshop will discuss the folluwing issues: Inclusion of Human Factors in Incident Investigation Reduction of Human Error in New Systems Reduction of Human Error in Existing Systems Solving Human Factor Issues as Applied to the Workforce Using Human Factor Principles in Management Practices and Policies Effective Application of Behavioral Based Processes
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) supersedes expired NTL No. 2010-G04, effective June 1, 2010, on this subject. It provides guidance on using either e-mail or the eWell Permitting and Reporting System to report hurricane and tropical storm effects information, specifies the information included in the various hurricane and tropical storm reports, and makes minor administrative amendments.
The purpose of this Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is to clarify the policies, procedures and requirements for OCS lessees and operators as included in 30 CFR 250, Subpart S regulations.
The Minerals Management Service is sponsoring the International Workshop: Fire & Blast Considerations in the Future Design of Offshore Facilities, to be held on June 12-14, 2002 in Houston, Texas. The offshore engineering community relies on recommended practices and standards to characterize and design facilities for hydrocarbon explosions and fires. A vast amount of research has been completed, leading in some instances to fire and blast design practices that are different from that found in current guidelines. The workshop will also discuss the current work to update API RP 2A for fire and blast, as well as the United Kingdom Offshore Operators Association project to update the UK Health and Safety Executive's fire and blast guidance document.
The 2002 Minerals Management Service (MMS) Industry Awards Program and Luncheon are scheduled for Thursday, April 11, 2002, at the Hotel Inter-Continental Houston. This is the 19th year that MMS has honored outstanding companies for their exemplary safety and pollution prevention records, and the fourth year for our industry awards program.
The Minerals Management Service (MMS) regulations (30 CFR 250.11 02(b )(3)) require lessees/operators to conduct well tests at least once every 6 months for each producing completion and submit the results on form MMS-128, Semiannual Well Test Report. Currently, most operators comply with this requirement by completing and submitting numerous paper copies of form MMS-128. Following a successful pilot program, MMS is now prepared to accept these data electronically from all interested operators.
Notice of report "Decommissioning Cost Update for Removing Pacific OCS Region Offshore Oil and Gas Facilities, 2010". The report estimates cumulative lease liabilities for the region and supports decisions regarding supplemental bonding requirements.
This NTL supersedes NTL 99-04N and amends the guidelines for applying for royalty relief. As we stated in earlier NTLs on royalty relief, we expect to periodically update these guidelines to reflect our experience in processing applications. This update makes these guidelines consistent with the new regulations for discretionary deepwater royalty relief which we published in the Federal Register on January 15, 2002 (67 FR 1862).
Announces accident investigation results of pipeline damage caused by workboats dragging grappling hooks to try and retrieve a mooring buoy and its chain. Reiterates warning sign criteria in prior NTL will remain in effect, and reminds lessees and operators that all signage must be properly displayed to boat traffic and maintained in legible condition.
The Minerals Management Service (MMS) has scheduled two half-day workshops to discuss the upcoming revisions of the MMS forms for well applications and reporting. The Gulf of Mexico OCS Regional (GOMR) Office will host the workshops in New Orleans on September 19 and in Houston on September 26
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) is issued to address certain safety concerns and questions recently brought to our attention with respect to cranes installed on fixed offshore platforms. Regulations at 30 CFR 250.108 address cranes and other material handling equipment on fixed offshore platforms. Section 250.108(a)(l) incorporates by reference the American Petroleum Institute's Recommended Practice for Operation and Maintenance of Offshore Cranes (API RP 2D), Fourth Edition, into the Minerals Mangement Service (MMS) regulations. Section 250.1 08(a)(2) requires that inspection, testing, and maintenance records must be kept at the OCS facility for at least 2 years.
Due to tlscal year-end closeout, MMS will disable Pay.Gov forms from 12:01 a.m., Saturday, September 27, 2008; to 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, September 30, 2008. This outage will aflect Pay.Gov interactive payments made through eWelL
This NTL provides guidance on evaluating and managing wells that have casing pressure. The policy changes set forth in this NTL reduce the paperwork burden concerning the reporting of casing pressure conditions, the number of departure requests, and the frequency of casing pressure diagnostic testing. On page 5, it provides guidance on handling the transition from the previous NTL to this NTL.
Informs lessees and operators of requirements and procedures for notifying MMS of changes in leases, pipelines, or ROW ownership or operatorship whether by name change or merger.
General Requirements, Pipelines and Pipeline Rights-of-Way
Provides information on reporting requirements for submittals made to satisfy regulations at 30 CFR 250, Subpart L (30 CFR 250.1202 -- 250.1204). States preferred method of submittal is e-mail.
Production Measurement, Surface Commingling & Security
This Notice to Lessees and Operators (NTL) clarifies current policy and procedures by specifying your responsibilities as a lessee in implementing MMS 's performance-based training regulation, 30 CFR 250 Subpart 0 Well Control and Production Safety Training. Since going into etiect October 15, 2002, MMS has monitored industry compliance with this rule by conducting numerous audits, interviews, and tests at both the company level and on an individual basis. The majority of agency efforts have focused on the use of audits. If, during an audit, the MMS audit team finds a deficiency in a lessee's training plan, an Incident of Noncompliance (INC) is issued.
The 2008 Minerals Management Service (MMS) Industry A wards Program and Luncheon are scheduled for Thursday, April 10, 2008, at the Hilton Americas Houston Hotel, Houston, Texas. This is the 25'h year that MMS has honored outstanding companies for their exemplary safety and pollution prevention records, and the 1om year for our industry awards program.
Offers guidance on procedures regarding the permitting process for decommissioning platforms, pipelines and other related oil and gas facilities. Notifies industry that 30 CFR 250.107 safety and health measures, including maintaining equipment and work areas in safe condition, remains in effect during decommissioning.
Notifies lessees and operators of fees for pre-production royalty relief applications and possible audits, as part of DOI policy to encourage production of marginal resources.
Minerals Management Service (MMS) is offering a royalty relief program for hurricane projects in the Gulf of Mexico OCS pursuant to 30 CFR 203.1. To expedite the application review process, MMS will assume the pre-qualification requirements stated at 30 CFR 203.80 are met by applicants making requests under this initiative. Applications will be considered if the approval of royalty relief would meet the objective of the endof-life program (see 30 CFR 203.51, 203.83 and 203.84). End-of-life program guidelines for processing applications have been modified to accommodate characteristics unique to hurricane projects. This NTL provides guidance for preparing a complete application. "Hurricane project" is defined as a proposal to correct damage caused by Hurricane Katrina or Hurricane Rita. A project may consist of wells, platforms, pipelines, or other structures which were producing or capable of producing before the hurricane from one or more oil and gas reservoirs, located on one or more leases. The incentive is intended to encourage the production of marginal oil and gas reserves that are shut in due to hurricane damage, and for which resumption of production would not be economical in the absence of royalty relief.
This Notice to Lessees and Operators and Pipeline Right-of-way Grant Holders (NTL) is issued pursuant to 30 CFR 250.103. This NTL is also issued pursuant to 30 CFR 251.3, to permitees that conduct geological and geophysical explorations on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), and pursuant to 30 CFR 280.3(c) to permitees that conduct operations other than oil, gas, and sulphur on the OCS.
Notice to protect Federal production of minerals against loss or theft. Reminds operators and platform and rig personnel that "theft or mishandling" includes tampering with or bypassing any component of the royalty measurement facility, and falsifying production measurements.