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Safety Alerts Program


BSEE Safety Alerts are tools used by BSEE to inform the offshore energy industry of the circumstances surrounding an incident or a near miss. They also contain recommendations that should help prevent the recurrence of such an incident on the OCS.

Safety Alerts Program

Number Title Date Category
198 Safety Alert 198 - Drilling Accident Results in Fatality
197 Safety Alert 197 - Environmental Design Criteria
196 Safety Alert 196 - Cranes
195 Safety Alert 195 - Riser Skate/Casing Handling Carts
194 Safety Alert 194 - Guardrails
193 Safety Alert 193 - Fall Results in Fatality
192 Safety Alert 192 - Water Survival Craft
191 Safety Alert 191 - Drillship Draw Works Failure
190 Safety Alert 190 - Fall Results in Fatality
189 Safety Alert 189 - Guardrails
188 Safety Alert 188 - Fire with Fatality and Injury
187 Safety Alert 187 - Coiled Tubing Incidents
186 Safety Alert 186 - Accidental Disconnect of Marine Drilling Risers
185 Safety Alert 185 - Installation and Inspection of Concrete Mats
184 Safety Alert 184 - Fire with Fatality and Injuries
183 Safety Alert 183 - Electrical Shock Hazard
182 Safety Alert 182 - Post-Hurricane Startup Procedures Fail to Identify Pipeline Damage Resulting in Oil Spill
181 Safety Alert 181 - Rig Collapse with Fatalities and Injuries
180 Safety Alert 180 - Deepwater Gulf of America OCS Currents
179 Safety Alert 179 - Drilling Accident Results in One Fatality
178 Safety Alert 178 - Trawl Net Snags Pipeline, Resulting in Oil Spill
177 Safety Alert 177 - Casing Blowdown Accident and Fatality
176 Safety Alert 176 - Mud Logging Unit Explosion and Fire
175 Safety Alert 175 - List of Safety Alerts Concerning Crane Accidents
174 Safety Alert 174 - Accumulation of Gas in Living Quarters Results in Explosion, Fire, and Injuries
173 Safety Alert 173 - Pig Launcher Explosion Results in Two Fatalities
172 Safety Alert 172 - Personnel Overexposed to Carbon Monoxide
171 Safety Alert 171 - List of Gulf of America OCS Region Safety Alert and Accident Investigation Reports Concerning Blowouts
170 Safety Alert 170 - Stabbing Board Fatality and Injury
169 Safety Alert 169 - Personnel Falls Result in Three Fatalities
168 Safety Alert 168 - Twisted Valve Stem and Ineffective Level Safety High Result in Oil Spill
167 Safety Alert 167 - Retrieval of Back-Pressure Valve Results in Loss of Well Control
166 Safety Alert 166 - Lifting of Personnel by Crane Proves Fatal
165 Safety Alert 165 - Shallow Gas Flows While Cementing Surface Casing
164 Safety Alert 164 - Attempt to Stand Gravel Pack Assembly in Derrick Proves Fatal
163 Safety Alert 163 - Accidents on the OCS Involving Drilling Rigs, Derrick Barges, Pipeline Lay Barges, and Anchor-handling Vessels
162 Safety Alert 162 - Accidents on the OCS Involving Drilling Rigs, Derrick Barges, Pipeline Lay Barges, and Anchor-handling Vessels
161 Safety Alert 161 - Production Platform Gas Discharge Points
160 Safety Alert 160 - Exposed Subsea Valve Assemblies Create Hazards
159 Safety Alert 159 - Welder Burned in Pipeline Accident
158 Safety Alert 158 - Water-Treating Facility Upset Leads to Fire on Production Platform
157 Safety Alert 157 - Wireline Accident Involving the Formation of an Ice Plug in the Lubricator
156 Safety Alert 156 - Fire on the Water Beneath Facilities
155 Safety Alert 155 - Fire on Glycol Reboiler Due to Carry-over and Uninsulated Compressor Exhaust
154 Safety Alert 154 - Flash Fire During Portable Well Testing Operations
153 Safety Alert 153 - Fire Caused by Cutting Torch Used to Cut Tubing
152 Safety Alert 152 - Circulating with Natural Gas Through Coil Tubing
151 Safety Alert 151 - Explosion of Accumulated Gas in the Engine Room of a Supply Vessel Servicing an Offshore Facility
150 Safety Alert 150 - Fire Occurs During Cutting Operation to Install Casing Head
149 Safety Alert 149 - Compressor Blowdown Leads to Fire