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Peer Review

Peer Review

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) directive, Final Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review (December 16, 2004) requires a "systematic process of peer review planning" and access to a list of information products for official dissemination that will be peer reviewed as either influential scientific information (ISI) or highly influential scientific assessments (HISA) as defined in the OMB peer-review bulletin.

BSEE provides the following agenda for those information products for official dissemination that will be peer reviewed as ISI or HISA. The peer review agenda will be updated as new research products become available after completing the peer-review process.

Please refer to the list below to view the peer review plans and corresponding research reports, and when available, peer-review reports.. To submit feedback on the peer review plans, research posted within the public commenting window, or on anything related to BSEE peer-reviews, please send an email to the corresponding email address listed to the right in the yellow box and include the following information in the subject line:

  • “Peer-review plan”, OR “Research report”, OR “General” (question/comment)
  • “Project title” (if related to a specific project)

List out any comments, questions, feedback with numbers (ex. 1, 2, 3, etc.)

Include your name, contact (phone/email), and affiliation.

If you identify a problem or concern feel free to include a suggested fix.

For questions and comments on topics related to BSEE's peer review process or products, please email:

Program &
Project Number
Research Type Project Title Peer Review Plan Research Report Open & Closing Dates Peer Review Initiation Date Peer Review Completion Date
TAP 806 Influential Block Island Windfarm Structural Monitoring PDF


Evaluation of Platform Tilt
Foundation Stiffness
Structural Fatigue
Modal Identification

Jan 4 - Feb 4, 2024    
TCP 5026 Influential Estimating Tropical Cyclone Threats to Floating Rigs in the Gulf of Mexico PDF PDF Nov 29 - Dec 29, 2023    
TAP 791 Influential Status of Arctic Pipeline Standards and Technology PDF PDF Nov 28 - Dec 28, 2023    
TAP 792 Influential Integrity Management Process of Tension Leg Platforms PDF PDF Nov 27 - Dec 27, 2023    
TAP 758 Highly Influential Fatigue Design Methodologies Applicable to Complex Fixed and Floating Offshore Wind Turbines PDF PDF Nov 24 - Dec 24, 2023    
TAP 761 Influential Recommendations for Improvements to Wellbore Surveying and Ranging Regulations PDF PDF Nov 23 - Dec 23, 2023    
TAP 788 Influential Studying "Fitness for Service" of the Sealing Assemblies and Cement System in Shallow Well Designs by Conducting Scaled Laboratory Testing, Leakage Modelling, and Risk Assessment PDF Nov 22 - Dec 22, 2023    
TCP 5025 Influential Deepwater Drillship Probablistic Risk Analysis PDF PDF Nov 21 - Dec 21, 2023    
TCP 5024 Influential Laboratory Testing and Technical Assessments of Corrosion-Resistant Alloys for High-Pressure High-Temperature Subsea Applications PDF PDF Nov 20 - Dec 20, 2023    
TAP 781 Influential Thermal Shock Technology PDF PDF Nov 17 - Dec 17, 2023    
TAP 728 Influential Well Stimulation Effects on Annular Seal of Production Casing in OCS Oil and Gas PDF PDF Nov 16 - Dec 16, 2023    
TAP 765 Influential Loss of Well Control Occurrence and Size Estimators, Phase I and II PDF PDF Nov 15 - Dec 15, 2023    
TAP 764 Influential Subsea BOP Stack Shear / Seal Capability Modeling Tool PDF PDF Nov 14 - Dec 14, 2023    
TAP 735 Influential Decommissioning Cost Update for Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region Facilities Study PDF Part 1
Part 2
Nov 13 - Dec 13, 2023    
TCP 5001 Influential Best Practices for Real-Time Monitoring of Offshore Well Construction PDF PDF Nov 10 - Dec 10, 2023    
TCP 5010 Influential Examination of Blowout Preventer Pressure Test Frequency PDF PDF Nov 9 - Dec 9, 2023    
TAP 779 Highly Influential Wireline Operations Research PDF PDF Nov 8 - Dec 8, 2023    
TCP 5007 Influential Analysis of Potential Opportunities to Reduce Venting and Flaring on the OCS PDF PDF Nov 7 - Dec 7, 2023    
TAP 729 Influential Crane Safety Assessment Findings, Results, and Recommendations PDF PDF Nov 6 - Dec 6, 2023