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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
349 OSRR OSRR-349-Technology Assessment of the Use of Dispersants on Spills from MMS-Regulated OCS Facilities SL Ross Environmental Research Chemical Treating Agents 2
520 OSRR Summary Report of Activities at the Minerals Management Service Ohmsett Facility ATRP Corporation 0
647 OSRR OSRR-647-Research on Improving Methods for Recovering Residues from In Situ Burning of Marine Oil Spills S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, In Situ Burn Research 0
1052 OSRR OSRR-1052-Enhanced Oil Recovery from Oil-Seawater Mixtures Through the Coupling of Magnetic Nanoparticles and Electrically Conducting Ultrafiltration Membranes University of California, Riverside Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 2
114 TAP TAP-114-Field Evaluation of Oil Spill Chemical Additives Conservation and Protection Agency, Environment Canada International Activities 9
519 TAP TAP-519-Technology Gaps in Deep Water HTHP Drilling Triton Engineers Service Company Deepwater, Drilling 1
566 TAP TAP-566-Assessment of the Acceptability and safety of Using Equipment, Particularly BOP and Wellhead Components at Pressures in Excess of the Rated Working Pressure WEST Engineering Services Drilling 0
610 TAP TAP-610-Marco Polo JIP Extension Full-Scale Monitoring Marco Polo TLP Marin Research Institute Structures, Deepwater 1
653 TAP TAP-653-Evaluation of the Use of Epoxy-based Materials in Well Abandonment Texas A&M Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Decommissioning, Materials 1
695 TAP TAP-695-Slug Loading and Response in Pipeline (SLARP) JIP MCS Kenny and MSI Kenny Structures, Pipelines 0
287 OSRR OSRR-287-Fate and Behavior of Deepwater Subsea Oil Well Blowouts in the Gulf of Mexico S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Behavior of Oil, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
449 OSRR OSRR-449-Effects of Chemically Dispersed and Biodegraded Oils Plymouth Laboratories, Inc. Chemical Treating Agents 3
568 OSRR OSRR-568-Research at Ohmsett on the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants on Alaskan Oils in Cold Water S. L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents, Arctic 1
451 TAP TAP-451-Global Challenges to Preparedness and Response Regimes Workshop American Petroleum Institute International Activities 1
538 TAP TAP-538-Measurement and Control Underwater Noise from Oil Drilling and Production Operations Noise Control Engineering Structures, Arctic 1
583 TAP TAP-583-Characterizing Material Performance for Design of Sour Service HPHT Equipment in Accordance with API RP 6HP Practices Stress Engineering Services, Inc. Deepwater, Drilling, Materials 1
628 TAP TAP-628-Assess the Design/Inspection Criteria/Standards for Wave and/or Current Energy Generating Devices Free Flow Energy, Inc. Structures, Moorings and Anchors, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
672 TAP TAP-672-Development of an Integrated Extreme Wind, Wave, Current, and Water Level Climatology to Support Standards-Based Design of Offshore Wind Projects Virginia Tech Advanced Research Institute; Renewable, Alternative Energy 7
715 TAP TAP-715-2012-2013 Freeze-up Study Coastal Frontiers Corp. Arctic 0
136 OSRR OSRR-136-Shipboard Navigational Radar as an Oil Spill Tracking Tool Technology Assessment and Research Branch, Minerals Management Service Remote Sensing 2
324 OSRR OSRR-324-Experimental and Analytical Study of Multi-phase Plumes in a Stratified Ocean with Application to Deep Ocean Spills University of Hawaii (UHI) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Behavior of Oil, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
511 OSRR OSRR-511-Tailored Polymeric Materials for Oil Spill Recovery in Marine Environments Bren School of Environmental Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
617 OSRR OSRR-617-Employing Chemical Herders to Improve Oil Spill Response Operations S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents, Arctic 1
1014 OSRR OSRR-1014-Ice Month - Evaluation of Oil Recovery Systems in Ice Conditions at Ohmsett BSEE sponsored test, managed by MAR and SL Ross Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1
1046 OSRR OSRR-1046-Leveraging Offshore Hydrocarbon Risk Assessment Models and Datasets to Support the Evaluation and Ranking of Worst Case Discharge Scenarios National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Decision Making Support Tools 0
395 TAP TAP-395-Extending Temporary Storage Capacity Offshore with Emulsion Breakers S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 4
504 TAP TAP-504-Effectiveness of Spanning and VIV Mitigation for Subsea Pipelines Det Norske Veritas Pipelines 4
604 TAP TAP-604-Evaluation of Fatigue Life Models and Assessment Practice for Tension Leg Platforms (Phase 1: Tendon System Fatigue) Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Structures, Deepwater, Moorings and Anchors, Hurricanes / Cyclones 0
645 TAP TAP-645-The Performance of Drag Embedment Anchors Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES), OTRC Deepwater, Drilling, Moorings and Anchors, Hurricanes / Cyclones 6
731 TAP TAP-731-Drill Pipe and Tubing Safety Value Evaluation Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) Drilling 1
7890 TAP Test Research Project Research Performing Activity Inc. Wells, Drilling, Air Quality, Deepwater, Decision Making Support Tools, Behavior of Oil 1
390 OSRR OSRR-390-A Method to Determine Worst Case Discharges from Facilities that Produce or Transport Oil in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) SINTEF Applied Chemistry and Well Flow Dynamics Behavior of Oil 1
545 OSRR OSRR-545-Calm Sea Application of Dispersants S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. and Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
681 OSRR OSRR-681-Laboratory-Scale Investigation of a Method for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Oil Dispersants in Destabilizing Water-in-Oil Emulsions Auburn University Chemical Treating Agents 1
22 TAP TAP-022-Pattern Recognition Technology General Sensors Drilling 1
155 TAP TAP-155-Identification of Substitute Test Facilities for OHMSETT Emergencies Engineering Division, Environment Canada Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
483 TAP CFD Simulation of Ocean Turbulence Interactions with Spar Platforms OTRC Deepwater, Structures 0
532 TAP TAP-532-DW RUPE: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Pipelines Induced Damage Characteristics & Repair Options Stress Subsea, Inc. Deepwater 1
577 TAP TAP-577-Design Options for Offshore Pipelines in the US Beaufort and Chukchi Seas C-CORE Arctic, Pipelines, Geotechnical 1
620 TAP TAP-620-Collection and Archival of Environmental Data Relevant to Design of Arctic Structures Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Structures, Pipelines, Geotechnical 0
664 TAP TAP-664-Safebuck Phase III and Safebuck Geo JIPs OTM Consulting Ltd. Deepwater, Pipelines 0
706 TAP TAP-706-Checklist of Items for the Design Basis Document for Offshore Wind Turbines ABS Consulting Renewable, Alternative Energy 2
751 TAP TAP-751-Complaince Verification Analysis ABSG CONSULTING INC.. Production 0
109 OSRR OSRR-109-Oil Spill Response Equipment Performance Verification Frank Weston and Associates Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 5
298 OSRR OSRR-298-Testing at Ohmsett to Determine Optimum Times to Decant to Temporary Storage Devices S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ohmsett, Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
477 OSRR OSRR-477-Correlating Results of Dispersants Effectiveness at Ohmsett with Identical At-Sea trial: Effects of Oil Viscosity and Dispersant to Oil Ratios S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
590 OSRR OSRR-590-Changes with Dispersant Effectiveness with Extended Exposure in Calm Seas S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. and Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1008 OSRR OSRR-1008-CORN (Coordinated Oil-spill Response Network) Technology Systems, Inc. Remote Sensing, Decision Making Support Tools 1
310 TAP TAP-310-Mechanical Oil Recovery in Ice Infested Waters (MORICE) SINTEF Applied Chemistry Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 7
551 TAP TAP-551-Assessment of Drilling and Workover Rig Storm Sea Fastenings on Offshore Floating Platforms During Hurricane Ivan OTRC/Technip Structures, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1