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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
744 TAP TAP-744-Ice Scour and Gouging Effects with Respect to Pipeline and Wellhead Placement and Design Marine Computation Services Kenny Inc. Arctic 5
290 OSRR OSRR-290-Project Cancelled - In Situ Burning on Mud Flats SINTEF Applied Chemistry In Situ Burn Research 0
452 OSRR OSRR-452-Mid-Scale Tests to Determine the Limits to In-Situ-Burning In Broken Ice S. L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. In Situ Burn Research, Arctic 2
573 OSRR OSRR-573-Oil Recovery with Novel Skimmer Surfaces under Cold Climate Conditions University of California, Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1
1003 OSRR OSRR-1003-Subsea Chemical Dispersant Research S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd and Applied Research Associates (ARA), Inc. Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1035 OSRR OSRR-1035-Improved In-Situ Burning for Offshore Use US Coast Guard Research & Development Center In Situ Burn Research 1
130 TAP TAP-130-Interference/Clearance Problem of Risers in Floating Production Systems Brown and Root Development Inc. Structures, Production 1
541 TAP TAP-541-Application of Dual Gradient Technology to Top Hole Drilling Texas A&M University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering Deepwater, Drilling 1
585 TAP TAP-585-Mitigating Oil Spills from Offshore Oil and Gas Activities by Enhancement of Oil-Mineral Aggregate Formation DFO Canada - Center for Offshore Oil and Gas Environmental Research (COOGER) International Activities 1
630 TAP TAP-630-Risk Assessment for Pipelines in Deepwater (RAPID) JIP Sea Q Engineering, Inc. Deepwater, Pipelines 1
675 TAP TAP-675-Fatigue Calculations for Existing GOM Fixed Structures Det Norske Veritas Structures 1
717 TAP TAP-717-Physical Oceanographic and Meteorological Data for Beaufort and Chukchi Seas to Support Reliability-Based Design Criteria for Arctic Offshore Oil and Gas Structures University of Alaska Fairbanks Structures, Arctic 2
153 OSRR OSRR-153-Alaska Arctic Workshop National Institute of Standards and Technology, Center for Fire Research Arctic, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
333 OSRR OSRR-333-Field Experiments at the Ohmsett Facility, Especially for a Newly Designed Boom System The University of Miami Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 9
513 OSRR OSRR-513-Laboratory Testing to Determine Dispersion Predictability of the Baffled Flask Test (BFT) and Swirling Flask Test (SWT) U.S. EPA / University of Cincinnati Chemical Treating Agents 2
635 OSRR OSRR-635-Literature Review on Chemical Treating Agents in Fresh and Brackish Water S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Chemical Treating Agents 2
1016 OSRR Comparative Testing of Corexit EC9500A, Finasol OSR 52, Accell Clean DWD, and ZI 400 at Ohmsett in a Simulated Arctic Environment Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE) Arctic, Chemical Treating Agents 0
507 TAP TAP-507-Correlating Results of Ohmsett Dispersant Test with At-Sea Trials: Workshop to Coordinate Publications and Prioritize Follow-up Research S. L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, International Activities 4
561 TAP TAP-561-LNG Process Safety Design Offshore Technology Research Center Structures 0
606 TAP TAP-606-Hybrid Well Riser Risk of Failure and Prevention Marine Computation Services, Inc. Drilling, Production 1
648 TAP TAP-648-Offshore Wind and Ocean Energy Installation Cost Estimation in the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf Energy Research Group, LLC Structures, Decommissioning, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
690 TAP The Effect of Deformation Damage on the Mechanical Behavior of Sea Ice: Ductile-to-Brittle Transition, Elastic Modulus and Brittle Compressive Strength Dartmouth College, Ice Research Laboratory Structures 9
1169 OSRR TROPICS Longitudinal Study in Support of Shoreline Spill Response Net Environmental Benefit Analysis (NEBA) JIP lead by Clean Caribbean and Americas Innovative Technology, Remote Sensing, Tools, Decision Making Support Tools, Other, Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents 0
244 OSRR OSRR-244-Testing of Fire Resistant Booms in Waves and Flames SL Ross Environmental Research In Situ Burn Research, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
413 OSRR OSRR-413-Assessment of the Use of Dispersants on Marine Oil Spills in California S.L. Ross Environmental Research Chemical Treating Agents 3
547 OSRR OSRR-547-Developing New and Innovative Equipment and Technologies for the Remote Sensing and Surveillance of Oil in and Under Ice - Phase 2 D.F. Dickins and Associates, Ltd. Remote Sensing, Arctic 0
685 OSRR OSRR-685-Operational Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Chemical Treating Agents 3
89 TAP Wave Erosion of a Frozen Berm Arctec Incorporated Arctic 1
158 TAP TAP-158-Development and Evaluation of Shoreline Cleanup Techniques Western Office, Technology Development Branch, Environment Canada International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 12
295 TAP TAP-295-In Situ Clean up of Oiled Shorelines; Svalvard Shoreline Project Environment Canada International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 3
534 TAP TAP-534-Development of Accurate Methods for Predicting Hydrocarbon Dew Points Southwest Research Institute Production Measurement 1
579 TAP TAP-579-Joint Industry Project to Study Risk-Based Restarts of Untreated Subsea Oil and Gas Flowlines in the GOMR University of Tulsa Hydrates, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
622 TAP TAP-622-Impact of Marine Growth on Pipeline Risers for Floating Facilities JIP MCS Engineering Structures, Deepwater, Pipelines 1
667 TAP TAP-667-Downhole Commingling Research Knowledge Reservoir LLC Production, Geotechnical 4
709 TAP TAP-709-Technical and Business Proposal for example safety management system and audit criteria/procedures template and checklist for Offshore Wind PMSS Renewable, Alternative Energy 2
114 OSRR OSRR-114-Field Evaluation of Oil Spill Chemical Additives Conservation and Protection Agency, Environment Canada Chemical Treating Agents 9
309 OSRR OSRR-309-Development of an OHMSETT Activity Summary Report Marine Research Associates LLC Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
486 OSRR OSRR-486-Fate of Emulsion Breakers Used for Decanting S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 2
595 OSRR OSRR-595-Identification of Window of Opportunity for Chemical Dispersants on Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1010 OSRR OSRR-1010-Comparison of Physical and Chemical Characteristics of In-Situ Burn Residue and other Environmental Oil Samples Collected during the Deepwater Horizon Spill Response National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) In Situ Burn Research 3
500 TAP TAP-500-Risk Comparison of Subsea versus Surface Processing DNV Consulting Deepwater, Production 1
600 TAP TAP-600-A Review and Update of Supplemental Bonding Requirements in the Gulf of Mexico Louisiana State University Decommissioning 1
641 TAP TAP-641-Seawater Corrosion of Rope & Chain (SCORCh) AMOG Consulting Deepwater, Moorings and Anchors, Materials 0
160 OSRR OSRR-160-Study of Oil Spill Chemical Treating Agents Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Chemical Treating Agents 31
354 OSRR OSRR-354-International Oil and Ice Workshop Alaska Clean Seas Arctic, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 0
528 OSRR OSRR-528-Optimization of Oleophilic Skimmer Recovery University of California, Santa Barbara, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
663 OSRR OSRR-663-Heavy Oil Dispersion Research S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Chemical Treating Agents 1
1023 OSRR OSRR-1023-Development of Surrogate Ice Modules for Simulated Arctic Environment Testing at the National Oil Spill Response Research & Renewable Energy Test Facility (Ohmsett) PCCI, Inc. Arctic 2
286 TAP TAP-286-Project Cancelled - In Situ Oil Burning Manual Preparation Environment Canada International Activities 0
525 TAP TAP-525-Hydrotest Alternative JIP - For Deepwater Gas Export Pipelines Intec Engineering and Det Norske Veritas Deepwater, Pipelines 0