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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
545 OSRR OSRR-545-Calm Sea Application of Dispersants S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. and Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
681 OSRR OSRR-681-Laboratory-Scale Investigation of a Method for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Oil Dispersants in Destabilizing Water-in-Oil Emulsions Auburn University Chemical Treating Agents 1
22 TAP TAP-022-Pattern Recognition Technology General Sensors Drilling 1
155 TAP TAP-155-Identification of Substitute Test Facilities for OHMSETT Emergencies Engineering Division, Environment Canada Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
483 TAP CFD Simulation of Ocean Turbulence Interactions with Spar Platforms OTRC Deepwater, Structures 0
532 TAP TAP-532-DW RUPE: Deepwater Gulf of Mexico Pipelines Induced Damage Characteristics & Repair Options Stress Subsea, Inc. Deepwater 1
577 TAP TAP-577-Design Options for Offshore Pipelines in the US Beaufort and Chukchi Seas C-CORE Arctic, Pipelines, Geotechnical 1
620 TAP TAP-620-Collection and Archival of Environmental Data Relevant to Design of Arctic Structures Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Structures, Pipelines, Geotechnical 0
664 TAP TAP-664-Safebuck Phase III and Safebuck Geo JIPs OTM Consulting Ltd. Deepwater, Pipelines 0
706 TAP TAP-706-Checklist of Items for the Design Basis Document for Offshore Wind Turbines ABS Consulting Renewable, Alternative Energy 2
751 TAP TAP-751-Complaince Verification Analysis ABSG CONSULTING INC.. Production 0
109 OSRR OSRR-109-Oil Spill Response Equipment Performance Verification Frank Weston and Associates Ohmsett, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 5
298 OSRR OSRR-298-Testing at Ohmsett to Determine Optimum Times to Decant to Temporary Storage Devices S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ohmsett, Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
477 OSRR OSRR-477-Correlating Results of Dispersants Effectiveness at Ohmsett with Identical At-Sea trial: Effects of Oil Viscosity and Dispersant to Oil Ratios S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
590 OSRR OSRR-590-Changes with Dispersant Effectiveness with Extended Exposure in Calm Seas S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. and Alun Lewis Oil Spill Consultancy Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1008 OSRR OSRR-1008-CORN (Coordinated Oil-spill Response Network) Technology Systems, Inc. Remote Sensing, Decision Making Support Tools 1
310 TAP TAP-310-Mechanical Oil Recovery in Ice Infested Waters (MORICE) SINTEF Applied Chemistry Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 7
551 TAP TAP-551-Assessment of Drilling and Workover Rig Storm Sea Fastenings on Offshore Floating Platforms During Hurricane Ivan OTRC/Technip Structures, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
597 TAP Assessment of Superstructure Ice Protection As Applied to Offshore Oil Operations Safety U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL), Hanover, NH Structures 2
679 TAP TAP-679-Best Practices in Plugging Extended Reach and Ultra-Extended Reach Drilling Wells Texas A&M University Drilling, Decommissioning 0
723 TAP TAP-723-Offshore Substation Design Development of Standards Moffat & Nichole, Inc. Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
158 OSRR OSRR-158-Development and Evaluation of Shoreline Cleanup Techniques Western Office, Technology Development Branch, Environment Canada Mechanical Containment and Recovery 12
350 OSRR OSRR-350-Laboratory Study to Compare the Effectiveness of Chemical Dispersants When Applied Dilute versus Neat S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Chemical Treating Agents 2
526 OSRR OSRR-526-Correlate Ohmsett Dispersant Tests with At Sea Trials; Supplemental Tests to Complete Test Matrix S.L. Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
658 OSRR OSRR-658-Open Water Multispectral Aerial Sensor Oil Spill Thickness Mapping In Arctic and High Sediment Load Conditions Ocean Imaging Corporation Remote Sensing, Decision Making Support Tools, Arctic 1
1021 OSRR OSRR-1021-Evaluation of Oil in the Water Column Detection Systems US Coast Guard Research & Development Center Ohmsett, Remote Sensing, Decision Making Support Tools 1
324 TAP TAP-324-Experimental and Analytical Study of Multi-phase Plumes in a Stratified Ocean with Application to Deep Ocean Spills University of Hawaii (UHI) and Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) Deepwater, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 2
521 TAP TAP-521-Riser VIV Workshop Offshore Technology Research Center Deepwater, Drilling, Pipelines 0
611 TAP TAP-611-JIP for the Development of Standardized Testing Requirements for HPHT Equipment Stress Engineering Services Inc. Drilling, Materials 0
654 TAP TAP-654-International Workshop on Underwater Welding & Inspection Technology Center for Welding, Joining, and Coating Research (CWJCR) Structures, Materials 1
696 TAP TAP-696-Short Crest JIP: Effect of Short-crestedness on extreme wave impact Marin (Stichting Maritiem Research Institu Ut Nederland) Structures 1
288 OSRR OSRR-288-Outdoor Wave Tank and Program of Mid-Scale In Situ Burn Testing in Alaska S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. In Situ Burn Research, Arctic 1
450 OSRR OSRR-450-Dispersant Effectiveness Testing in Cold Water S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents, Arctic 2
569 OSRR OSRR-569-Svalbard, Norway Experimental Oil Spill To Study Spill Detection and Oil Behavior in Ice DF Dickens and Associates, SINTEF, Boise State University, The University Center at Svalbard Remote Sensing, Behavior of Oil, Arctic 3
453 TAP TAP-453-Production of a White Paper and Workshop Regarding a Full Scale Experimental Oil Release in the Barents Sea Marginal Ice Zone SINTEF - Applied Chemistry International Activities, Arctic 1
540 TAP TAP-540-Risk Assessment of Surface vs. Subsurface BOP's on Mobile Offshore Drilling Units Texas A&M University, College of Engineering, Dept. of Petroleum Engineering Deepwater, Drilling 1
584 TAP TAP-584-Arctic Offshore Technology Assessment of Exploration and Production Options for Cold Regions of the US Outer Continental Shelf IMV Projects Atlantic Structures, Arctic, Drilling, Production, Moorings and Anchors, Materials 1
629 TAP TAP-629-Assess the Design and Inspection Criteria and Standards for Wave and Current Energy Generating Devices PCCI, Inc. Structures, Moorings and Anchors, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
674 TAP TAP-674-Deepwater Blowout Preventer (BOP) Reliability & Well Kicks - Phase I Exprosoft AS Deepwater, Drilling 1
716 TAP TAP-716-Reliability-Based Sea-Ice Parameters for Design of Offshore Structures University of Alaska Anchorage Structures, Arctic 1
152 OSRR OSRR-152-Recovery Methods for High Viscosity Oils Emergencies Engineering Division, Environment Canada Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
330 OSRR OSRR-330-Oil Spill Response - Performance Review of Booms Environmental Consultant, Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
512 OSRR OSRR-512-Transfer of Decanting Technology Research to Oil Spill Response Organizations and Regulators S. L. Ross Environmental Research, LTD. Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
625 OSRR OSRR-625-Oil Spill Training and Response (STAR) Calculator Program Genwest Systems, Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery 0
1015 OSRR OSRR-1015-North Slope Coastal Imagery Initiative Moran Environmental Recovery, LLC Arctic 1
505 TAP TAP-505-Step Changes in Drilling Technology 2004 Workshop International Association of Drilling Contractors (IADC) Drilling, International Activities 0
560 TAP TAP-560-Performance Data Base for Deepwater Production Platforms Offshore Technology Research Center Structures, Deepwater 0
605 TAP TAP-605-Cooperative Research on Extreme Seas and their Impact to Floating Structures MARIN Research Institute Structures, Deepwater, Moorings and Anchors, Hurricanes / Cyclones, International Activities 1
646 TAP TAP-646-Engineering Cost Assessment for Decommissioning POCS Facilities Proserv Decommissioning Contractors and Engineers, Inc. Structures, Decommissioning 2
689 TAP TAP-689-Production Verification Enhancement Southwest Research Institute Production Measurement, Production 1