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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
602 TAP TAP-602-Cement Fatigue and HPHT Well Integrity with Application to Life of Well Prediction Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Deepwater, Materials 1
643 TAP TAP-643-Frictional Sliding of Sea Ice Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College Arctic 1
686 TAP TAP-686-Regulating Worker Safety in Renewable Energy Operations on the OCS National Research Council, Marine Board Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
162 OSRR OSRR-162-Development of a Portable Oil Analysis Kit for Responders Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Behavior of Oil 4
373 OSRR OSRR-373-Development of a Draft ATSM Standard on Characterizing Oils for In-Situ Burning S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. In Situ Burn Research 1
542 OSRR OSRR-542-Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Realistic Emulsions at Ohmsett S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
668 OSRR OSRR-668-Ohmsett Biofuels Feasibility Study SLRoss Ohmsett, Behavior of Oil, Decision Making Support Tools 1
85 TAP TAP-085-Subsea Collection of Blowing Oil and Gas Brown and Root Development, Inc. Drilling, Deepwater, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
120 TAP TAP-120-Physical Behavior of Oil in the Ocean Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Behavior of Oil, International Activities 60
152 TAP TAP-152-Recovery Methods for High Viscosity Oils Emergencies Engineering Division, Environment Canada International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
289 TAP TAP-289-Re-Engineering of a Stainless Steel Fireproof Boom for Using in Conjunction with Conventional Firebooms S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
530 TAP TAP-530-SCR Flexjoint Design and Performance Oil States Industries Deepwater, Pipelines 0
618 TAP TAP-618-Comparative Study of Offshore Wind Turbine Generators (OWTG) Standards MMI Engineering Renewable, Alternative Energy 2
704 TAP TAP-704-Climatology and Simulation of Eddies/Eddy Joint Industry Project (CASE/EJIP) Chevron is the Joint Industry Project Operator Deepwater 0
747 TAP TAP-747-Offshore Wind Energy Inspection Procedures Assessment Project ABSG CONSULTING Production, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
85 OSRR OSRR-085-Subsea Collection of Blowing Oil and Gas Brown and Root Development, Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
296 OSRR OSRR-296-Chemical Response to Oil Spill: Ecological Effects Research Forum (CROSERF) Ecosystem Management and Associates, Inc. Chemical Treating Agents 4
458 OSRR OSRR-458-Process for the Removal of Spent Oil Spill Dispersants from Test Water at Ohmsett SAIC Canada Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1006 OSRR OSRR-1006-Development of a Real-time Monitoring Protocol for Assessing VOC Impacts on Response and Cleanup Workers' Safety During Dispersant Operations Louisiana State University Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools 1
549 TAP TAP-549-Assessment of Fixed Offshore Platforms in Hurricane Ivan, Andrew Energo Engineering, Inc. Structures, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
593 TAP TAP-593-Evaluate and assess the performance of jackup rigs that were subject to Hurricanes Katrina or Rita Offshore Risk & Technology Consulting, Inc Hurricanes / Cyclones 3
633 TAP TAP-633-Wind Farm/Turbine Accidents and the Applicability to Risks to Personnel and Property on the OCS, and Design Standards to Ensure Structural Safety/Reliability/Survivability of Offshore Wind Farms on the OCS Offshore: Risk and Technology Consulting Inc. Structures, Renewable, Alternative Energy 6