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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
1123 OSRR Update of the Ohmsett Dispersant Effectiveness Test Protocol SL Ross Chemical Treating Agents, Ohmsett 1
1120 OSRR Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Deployable Oil Spill Igniter "BSEE IGNITER" - Phase II Phoenix International Holdings Inc. In Situ Burn Research 1
1104 OSRR Advancing the Maturity of the Flame Refluxer Technology Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI) In Situ Burn Research 1
1063 OSRR Wellhead Ignition Burn Efficiency Naval Research Lab Arctic, In Situ Burn Research 3
1101 OSRR Development of an Active Ice Management System for Skimmers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Arctic, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
1102 OSRR Ice Management for Vessel Oil Recovery Systems Serco, Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1
5009 TCP Risk-Based Evaluation of Offshore Oil and Gas Operations Using a Multiple Physical Barrier Approach Argonne National Laboratory Drilling, Pipelines, Production, Structures 3
5007 TCP Venting and Flaring Research: Analysis of Potential Opportunities to Reduce Venting and Flaring on the OCS Argonne, LLC. (US Department of Energy, Argonne National Laboratory) Air Quality 1
782 TAP Comparative Assessment of Electrical Standards and Practices American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) 1
1146 OSRR Behavior of Oil on Ice Applied Research Associates (ARA) Behavior of Oil 1
1086 OSRR Comparative Testing of Corexit EC9500A, Finasol OSR 52, Accell Clean DWD, Marine D-Blue Clean, and ZI 400 at Ohmsett Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement Chemical Treating Agents, Ohmsett 1
797 TAP Arctic 2020-21 Freeze-up / 2021 Break-up Study Coastal Frontiers CORP Arctic 0
795 TAP Arctic 2019-20 Freeze-up / 2020 Break-up Study of Arctic Sea Ice on the US Beaufort and Chukchi Seas. Coastal Frontiers CORP Arctic 0
794 TAP Remote Visual Inspection Joint Industry Project United Kingdom Health & Safety Executive Pipelines, Structures 0
793 TAP Engineered Composite Repair Joint Industry Project United Kingdom Health & Safety Executive Materials 0
1027 OSRR Development of a ROV Deployed Video Analysis Tool for Rapid Measurement of Submerged Oil and Gas Leaks DOE-NETL Decision Making Support Tools, Ohmsett 1
798 TAP Advanced Casing & Tubing Load and Stress Analysis, Joint Industry Project (JIP) N/A Drilling, Production, Production Measurement 0
1097 OSRR Slick Thickness Characterization Based on Low Noise, Polarized Synthetic Aperture Radar NASA Jet Propulsion Labroratory Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing, Ohmsett 0
1093 OSRR Research and Develop a Linear Augmented Fire Boom Configuration to Increase Burn Efficiency and Reduce Emissions of the Outer Continental Shelf US Army Corps of Engineers - CREEL In Situ Burn Research 1
1082 OSRR Methods to Enhance Mechanical Recovery in Arctic Conditions Cold Regions Research & Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1
1096 OSRR Analysis of Emissions and Residue from Methods to Improve Combustion Efficiency of In-Situ Oil Burns Environmental Protection Agency In Situ Burn Research 0
1107 OSRR Technology for Accelerated Clean and Complete in situ Burning-Phase I Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) In Situ Burn Research 0
1118 OSRR Assessment of Innovative Sorbents Southwest Research Institute Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
796 TAP Decommissioning Cost Update for Pacific Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Region Facilities Study InterAct PMTI 2
1076 OSRR NOAA WebGNOME Additions for Trajectories and Oil Libraries NOAA Behavior of Oil, Decision Making Support Tools 1
1100 OSRR Three-dimensional mapping of dissolved hydrocarbons and oil droplets using a REMUS-600 (Remote Environmental Monitoring Unit) AUV (Autonomous Underwater Vehicle) NOAA Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing 1
662 OSRR Combining Mineral Fines with Chemical Dispersants to Disperse Oil in Low Temperature and Low Mixing Environments, Including the Arctic Center for Offshore Oil, Gas, Energy Research -Canada Chemical Treating Agents 1
1073 OSRR Oil Composition vs. Dispersant Effectivness Applied Research Associates Chemical Treating Agents 1
1002 OSRR Acoustic Assessment of Subsea Chemical Dispersant Efficacy Applied Research Associates Chemical Treating Agents, Arctic 1
697 OSRR Assessment of Dispersant Effectiveness using Ultrasound to Measure Oil Droplet Particle Size Distributions Applied Research Associates (ARA), Inc. Chemical Treating Agents 1
5010 TCP Examination of Blowout Preventer Pressure Test Frequency Dept of Energy - Argonne National Laboratory Wells, Drilling 0
1098 OSRR System and Algorithm Development to Estimate Oil Thickness and Emulsification Through an UAS Platform Water Mapping, LLC Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing, Ohmsett 1
1089 OSRR Investigation of Design Enhancements to Current Boom Technologies SL Ross Environmental Research Limited & NRC Canada Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
1087 OSRR Tagging of Oil Under Ice – Phase II: Ice Floe Tracking System AECOM Arctic, In Situ Burn Research 1
772 TAP Assessment of Partially verses Fully Coupled Dynamic Analysis of Offshore Wind Turbines National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), DOE Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
776 TAP Breaking Waves Umass Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
1077 OSRR Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill Response Viability Analysis Nuka Research and Planning Group, LLC Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools, In Situ Burn Research, Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Remote Sensing 1
1115 OSRR Validating and Expanding the Dispersant Spray Drift Decision Support Tool AMOG Consulting Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools 0
1094 OSRR Efficient Remediation of Oil Spills over Water Using Fire Whirls University of Maryland at College Park In Situ Burn Research 1
1085 OSRR In-Situ Burn Testing of California Crude Oils Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Decision Making Support Tools, In Situ Burn Research 1
1061 OSRR OSRR-1061-Development of a Low-Emission Spray Combustor for Emulsified Crude Oil Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) In Situ Burn Research 2
1047 OSRR Effectiveness of Dispersants in Frazil or Slush Ice SL Ross & SINTEF Chemical Treating Agents, Arctic 1
1091 OSRR Estimating Oil Slick Thickness with LiDAR Remote Sensing Technology U.S. Naval Research Laboratory Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing, Ohmsett 1
1079 OSRR Deepwater Horizon Lessons Learned - Methodology and Operational Tools to Assess Future Oil Spills NOAA Behavior of Oil, Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing 2
787 TAP Cementing Alternative Resins CSI Technologies, LLC Deepwater, Drilling 1
792 TAP Integrity Management Process of Tension Leg Platforms Energo Engineering Services, Inc. Deepwater, Materials, Production 0
769 TAP Laboratory Testing of Lateral Load Response for Monopiles in Sand University of Texas at Austin Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
1095 OSRR Research and Develop Interface Insulation Systems and Vigorous Burn Inducer to Increase ISB Burn Efficiency and Reduce Residue S.L. Ross Environmental Research Limited In Situ Burn Research 1
1092 OSRR Autonomous Underwater Oil Spill Igniter Phoenix International In Situ Burn Research, Arctic 1
1074 OSRR OSRR-1074-Quantitative Measurement of In-Situ Burn Efficiency and Rate Applied Research Associates (ARA) In Situ Burn Research, Arctic 1