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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
555 OSRR OSRR-555-Partnering in a Workshop to Determine the Scope of an Experimental Oil Spill in Pack Ice in Canada S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. and DF Dickins and Associates Ltd. Mechanical Containment and Recovery, Arctic 1
698 OSRR OSRR-698-The Roles of Gas Hydrates During the Release and Transport of Well Fluids into Deep Ocean DOE - National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents 4
1031 OSRR OSRR-1031-Innovative Technology Enhancements for Measuring Test Parameters at Ohmsett MAR, Inc Ohmsett, Remote Sensing 1
160 TAP TAP-160-Study of Oil Spill Chemical Treating Agents Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada International Activities 31
536 TAP TAP-536-Vertical Access Riser Comparative Risk Assessment KBR, Deepwater Technology Group Deepwater, Production 1
581 TAP TAP-581-Pipeline Damage Assessment from Hurricane Katrina/Rita Det Norske Veritas (DNV) and Company Pipelines, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
602 TAP TAP-602-Cement Fatigue and HPHT Well Integrity with Application to Life of Well Prediction Texas Engineering Experiment Station (TEES) Deepwater, Materials 1
643 TAP TAP-643-Frictional Sliding of Sea Ice Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth College Arctic 1
686 TAP TAP-686-Regulating Worker Safety in Renewable Energy Operations on the OCS National Research Council, Marine Board Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
120 OSRR OSRR-120-Physical Behavior of Oil in the Ocean Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Behavior of Oil 60
311 OSRR OSRR-311-Oil Spill Containment, Remote Sensing, and Tracking from Deep Water Blowouts Status of Existing and Emerging Technologies PCCI Marine and Environmental Engineering Behavior of Oil, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
506 OSRR OSRR-506-Analysis of IFO-180 and IFO-380 Oil Properties for Dispersant Window of Opportunity S. L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Behavior of Oil, Chemical Treating Agents 2
613 OSRR OSRR-613-Development of a Training Package on the Use of Chemical Dispersants for Ohmsett - The National Oil Spill Response Test Facility S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Chemical Treating Agents 0
1012 OSRR OSRR-1012-Efficient Atomization and Combustion of Emulsified Crude Oil Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) In Situ Burn Research 1
502 TAP TAP-502-Assessment of New and / or Improved Repair Techniques for Ageing or Damaged Structures MSL Services Corporation Structures, Deepwater 1
557 TAP TAP-557-Numerical Modeling of Torpedo Anchors Texas A&M/TEES Deepwater, Geotechnical, Moorings and Anchors 1
618 TAP TAP-618-Comparative Study of Offshore Wind Turbine Generators (OWTG) Standards MMI Engineering Renewable, Alternative Energy 2
704 TAP TAP-704-Climatology and Simulation of Eddies/Eddy Joint Industry Project (CASE/EJIP) Chevron is the Joint Industry Project Operator Deepwater 0
747 TAP TAP-747-Offshore Wind Energy Inspection Procedures Assessment Project ABSG CONSULTING Production, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
162 OSRR OSRR-162-Development of a Portable Oil Analysis Kit for Responders Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Behavior of Oil 4
373 OSRR OSRR-373-Development of a Draft ATSM Standard on Characterizing Oils for In-Situ Burning S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. In Situ Burn Research 1
542 OSRR OSRR-542-Dispersant Effectiveness Testing on Realistic Emulsions at Ohmsett S.L. Ross Environmental Research, Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
668 OSRR OSRR-668-Ohmsett Biofuels Feasibility Study SLRoss Ohmsett, Behavior of Oil, Decision Making Support Tools 1
85 TAP TAP-085-Subsea Collection of Blowing Oil and Gas Brown and Root Development, Inc. Drilling, Deepwater, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
120 TAP TAP-120-Physical Behavior of Oil in the Ocean Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Behavior of Oil, International Activities 60
152 TAP TAP-152-Recovery Methods for High Viscosity Oils Emergencies Engineering Division, Environment Canada International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
289 TAP TAP-289-Re-Engineering of a Stainless Steel Fireproof Boom for Using in Conjunction with Conventional Firebooms S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
530 TAP TAP-530-SCR Flexjoint Design and Performance Oil States Industries Deepwater, Pipelines 0
633 TAP TAP-633-Wind Farm/Turbine Accidents and the Applicability to Risks to Personnel and Property on the OCS, and Design Standards to Ensure Structural Safety/Reliability/Survivability of Offshore Wind Farms on the OCS Offshore: Risk and Technology Consulting Inc. Structures, Renewable, Alternative Energy 6
85 OSRR OSRR-085-Subsea Collection of Blowing Oil and Gas Brown and Root Development, Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
296 OSRR OSRR-296-Chemical Response to Oil Spill: Ecological Effects Research Forum (CROSERF) Ecosystem Management and Associates, Inc. Chemical Treating Agents 4
458 OSRR OSRR-458-Process for the Removal of Spent Oil Spill Dispersants from Test Water at Ohmsett SAIC Canada Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 1
1006 OSRR OSRR-1006-Development of a Real-time Monitoring Protocol for Assessing VOC Impacts on Response and Cleanup Workers' Safety During Dispersant Operations Louisiana State University Chemical Treating Agents, Decision Making Support Tools 1
549 TAP TAP-549-Assessment of Fixed Offshore Platforms in Hurricane Ivan, Andrew Energo Engineering, Inc. Structures, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
593 TAP TAP-593-Evaluate and assess the performance of jackup rigs that were subject to Hurricanes Katrina or Rita Offshore Risk & Technology Consulting, Inc Hurricanes / Cyclones 3
609 TAP TAP-609-Reliability vs. Consequence of Failure for API RP2A Platforms Using RP2MET Energo Engineering, Inc. Structures, Hurricanes / Cyclones 1
651 TAP TAP-651-Evaluate the Effect of Turbine Period of Vibration Requirements on Structural Design Parameters Applied Physical Sciences Corp Structures, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
694 TAP TAP-694-Formulating Guidance on Hydrotesting Deepwater Oil and Gas Pipelines Stress Engineering Services Deepwater 1
156 OSRR OSRR-156-World Catalog of Oil Spill Response Products Environmental Consultants Inc. Mechanical Containment and Recovery 1
517 OSRR OSRR-517-New and Innovative Equipment and Technologies for the Remote Sensing and Surveillance of Oil in and Under Ice DF Dickins Associates, Ltd. Oil Spill Response, Remote Sensing, Arctic 1
638 OSRR OSRR-638-Chemical Dispersant Research at Ohmsett: Phase 2 S.L. Ross Environmental Research Ltd. Ohmsett, Chemical Treating Agents 2
1019 OSRR OSRR-1019-Technological Assessment of Alaskan Arctic Oil Spill Response Temporary Oil Storage Options PCCI, Inc. Decision Making Support Tools, Arctic 2
1051 OSRR Tagging of Oil Under Ice for Future Recovery URS Group, Inc. Arctic, Decision Making Support Tools, Remote Sensing 0
113 TAP TAP-113-Open Ocean Boom Test Conservation and Protection Agency, Environment Canada International Activities, Mechanical Containment and Recovery 5
518 TAP TAP-518-Workshop on the Issue of Prevention: What are the Next Challenges? American Petroleum Institute International Activities 2
627 TAP TAP-627-Assess/Develop Inspection Methodologies for Offshore Wind Turbine Facilities Energo Engineering, Inc. Structures, Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
671 TAP TAP-671-Offshore Electrical Cable Burial for Wind Farms: State of the Art; Standards and Guidance; Acceptable Burial Depths and Separation Distances; and Sand Wave Effects Offshore: Risk & Technology Consulting Inc. Renewable, Alternative Energy 1
714 TAP TAP-714-The Effects of Healing on the Resistance to Frictional Sliding of Sea Ice Dartmouth College Arctic 5
286 OSRR OSRR-286-Project Cancelled - In Situ Oil Burning Manual Preparation Environment Canada In Situ Burn Research 0
436 OSRR OSRR-436-Chemical Characteristics of an Oil and the Relationship to Dispersant Effectiveness Emergencies Science Division, Environment Canada Chemical Treating Agents 1