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Research Records

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Research Records List

Project Number Program Title Performing Activity Category Associated Attachments
331 TAP Lifetime Cost of Sub-sea Production Systems (JIP) DNV/Goldsmith Consulting Deepwater, Production 2
372 TAP State-of-the-Art of Removing Large Platforms Located in Deep Water Twachtman, Snyder, and Byrd, Inc. Decommissioning, Deepwater, Structures 1
408 TAP Development of a Blowout Intervention Method and Dynamic Kill Simulated for Blowouts Occurring Ultra-Deepwater (18132) Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Drilling 1
444 TAP Integrity Monitoring for Composite Elements and Workshop OTRC, Texas A&M Structures 1
2 TAP Dynamic Response of Offshore Structures Massachusetts Institute of Technology Structures 18
35 TAP Gas Generator for Powering the Cavitation Erosion Cleaning Device of Project Number 4 Naval Surface Weapons Center/Daedalean Associates Structures 3
68 TAP Seafloor Seismic Data Study Sandia National Laboratories Geotechnical 13
100 TAP Feasibility of Production, Loading and Storage Systems for the North Aleutian Basin Brian Watt Associates, Inc. Arctic, Human Factors, Production 3
135 TAP Development of the Raprenox Process of NOx Control in Diesel Exhausts Technor, Inc Air Quality 1
171 TAP International Workshop on the Seismic Design and Requalification of Offshore Platforms California Institute of Technology Geotechnical, International Activities, Seismic, Structures 1
203 TAP Performance of Safety and Pollution Control Devices in the Aftermath of Hurricane Andrew (Part of the Hurricane Andrew OCS Damage Assessment Program) J. P. Kenny, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones, Production 1
235 TAP Summary of State of Louisiana's Oil Spill Regulations and Programs For Platforms and Pipelines Located in State Waters (OPA 90) Louisiana State University, Center for Energy Studies Pipelines, Structures 3
271 TAP Safety and Integrity of Arctic Marine Pipelines Centre for Cold Ocean Resources Engineering Arctic, Pipelines 4
346 TAP Underwater Wet Welding for Offshore Structures and Pipelines Colorado School of Mines Center for Welding, Joining & Coatings Research Materials, Pipelines, Structures 0
387 TAP Banff/2001 Pipeline Workshop Natural Resources Canada Arctic, Pipelines 1
422 TAP Earthquake Assessment of Subsea Facilities/GOM Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Geotechnical, Seismic 1
462 TAP Surface BOP Workshop International Association of Drilling Contractors 0
498 TAP Performance Validation of API Tubing and Casing Connections PPI Technology Services 0
16 TAP Technology Assessment for Outer Continental Shelf, Oil and Gas Operations in the Arctic Ocean Energy Interface Associates Arctic, Drilling 1
48 TAP A Study of Structural and Geotechnical Aspects of Tension Leg Platforms Sandia National Laboratory Geotechnical, Structures 8
81 TAP Fatigue of Selected High Strength Steels in Sea Water Florida Atlantic University Deepwater, Materials 5
115 TAP Hydrodynamic Effects on Design of Offshore Platforms PMB Systems Engineering, Inc. Deepwater, Structures 23
148 TAP Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) Measures for the California Outer Continental Shelf Arthur D. Little, Inc. Air Quality 1
184 TAP International Workshop on Pile Foundation U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Geotechnical, International Activities, Seismic, Structures 1
216 TAP SPAR Development Model Test Program Deep Oil Technology, Inc. Deepwater, Drilling, Production, Structures 4
251 TAP International Workshop on Advanced Material for Marine Structures University of Colorado, Colorado School of Mines International Activities, Materials, Structures 1
284 TAP Investigation of Hybrid Deep Water Production Systems Louisiana State University Deepwater, Production 1
366 TAP Dynamic Analysis Tool for Moored Tanker-Based FPSOs, Including Large Yaw Motions Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Moorings and Anchors, Production 1
402 TAP Workshop on FPSO Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Structures 1
438 TAP Procure Membership in International Marine Contractors Association (IMCA) International Marine Contractors Association International Activities, Structures 0
475 TAP Workshop on Deepwater Drilling: Where are we headed? By International Association of Drilling Contractors IADC Deepwater, International Activities 0
29 TAP Deepwater Structures Technology Assessment Battelle, Houston, Texas Deepwater, Structures 1
61 TAP Superstructure Icing Data Collection and Analysis U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) Arctic, Structures 1
94 TAP Dynamic Motion Study of a Large Scale Compliant Platform Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Deepwater, Structures 1
129 TAP Methodology for Comparison of Alternative Production Systems Amoco Production Company Human Factors, International Activities, Production, Structures 1
165 TAP Deepwater Pipeline Maintenance and Repair R. J. Brown and Associates Deepwater, Pipelines 1
197 TAP Residual Strength of Dented and Corroded Pipelines Det Norske Veritas Pipelines 1
229 TAP Hurricane Andrew Effects on Offshore Platforms (Phase II - JIP) PMB Engineering, Inc. Hurricanes / Cyclones 5
265 TAP Reliability of Corroded Pipelines Det Norske Veritas-Hovik International Activities, Pipelines 9
303 TAP Coriolis Massmeter Data Analysis Program American Petroleum Institute Production, Production Measurement 1
340 TAP TAP 340 Performing Activity Drilling, Geotechnical 0
381 TAP Identification and Characterization of Shallow Water Flows Using Seismic Analysis Techniques Conoco Geotechnical 1
416 TAP Damaged Polyester Rope-Large Scale Experiment Texas A&M University, Offshore Technology Research Center (OTRC) Deepwater, Moorings and Anchors 1
491 TAP Risk Assessment for Submarine Slope Stability OTRC Deepwater, Geotechnical 2
9 TAP Ultrasonic Flowmeter Evaluation Harry Diamond Laboratories Drilling, Production, Production Measurement 1
42 TAP Arctic Underwater Structure Inspection Busby Associates, Inc. Arctic, Structures 1
75 TAP Remote Corrosion Monitoring of Offshore Pipelines Tradco Chemical Corporation Materials, Pipelines 1
108 TAP An Investigation of the Non-Linear Behavior of Compliant Risers Massachusetts Institute of Technology Drilling, Production, Structures 1
142 TAP Leak Detection and Monitoring of Pipelines NDE Environmental Corporation Pipelines 1
178 TAP Large-scale Ice Fracture Experiments Canadian Marine Drilling, Ltd. Arctic, Structures 2