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District Investigation Reports

District Investigation Reports

BSEE has the authority and responsibility to conduct investigations and make a public report of certain incidents, as outlined in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA) and its implementing regulations.

The following table provides links to BSEE's District Investigation Reports, which describe the findings, causes, and recommendations from those investigations.


RW/JT - Restricted Work or Job Transfer
LTA - Days away from work
TBA - Traveling Block Assembly

View Archive

Date Occurred Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
11-24-2024 1710 G-06894 VK 915 Required Muster, Shutdown from gas release
11-15-2024 0837 G-17407 GB 668 Required Muster
11-10-2024 0145 G-32504 GC 432 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
10-12-2024 0540 G-36103 AC 337 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation - Other Lifting Device
10-03-2024 0900 G-17565 AC 857 Fire, Incident > 25K (Damaged Buss bars/Main Breaker)
09-27-2024 0200 G36103 AC 337 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days), Crane, Other (Slip trip Fall)
09-21-2024 1630   SM 160 Required Evacuation; RW/JT > 3 Days
08-11-2024 1910   VR 170 Fire, Explosion,
Incident >$25,000, Required Muster, Injury Requiring Evacuation -  LTA (>3 days)
07-20-2024 2200 G01023 SS 224D Required Evacuation;
LTA > 3 Days
07-11-2024 0730   HI A 5 Injury, Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
07-08-2024 1908 G00166 ST 23CC Other Lifting
06-05-2024 1538 G24102 MC 727 Required Muster, Incident > 25K, Other
05-31-2024 0100 G05884 GC 52 Crane, Incident > 25K
05-02-2024 1620 G35662 GC 478 Crane; Incident > 25K
04-24-2024 0815 G35864 GC 389 Required Evacuation - RW/JT (> 3 days)
04-04-2024 2230 G02274 VR 369 A LTA (>3 days)
03-28-2024 2200 G31938 WR 51 Required Evacuation - RW/JT (> 3 days)
03-20-2024 0700 G26664 GB 506 Injury, RW/JT > 3 days
03-19-2024 1330 G34451 MC 607 Other Lifting, Incident > 25K
03-13-2024 2010 G04232 SS 189 Crane
03-07-2024 1500 G25806 KC 785 Required Evacuation, LTA > 3 days, Other Lifting - Air Tugger
03-05-2024 0415 G26252 MC 391 Pollution,
Incident > 25K, Other
02-25-2024 0930 G02280 SM 130 B Crane, Incident > $25K
02-21-2024 1319 G13808 HI A 379B Fire
02-16-2024 1335 G16942 WR 29 Injury Requiring Evacuation - LTA (>3 days), Crane
02-13-2024 2035 G09896 MC 899 LTA (>3 days)
Other Injury -Required Evacuation - Flushing 6" hoses
02-07-2024 0855 G2249 GA A 244JP LTA (>3 days)
01-29-2024 1900 00386 ST 23 CC Fire, Damages >25K
01-18-2024 1303 G35662 GC 478 Other Lifting, Incident > $25,000
01-16-2024 0252 G02587 SM 128 B Fire, Incident > $25K, Damaged/Disabled Safety System 

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-24-2023 0743 G32334 MC 547 Fire, Incident > 25K, Muster
12-23-2023 0845   AC 735 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
12-15-2023  0520 G02280 SM 130 B Fire, Incident > $25K, Required muster, Shut down from Gas Release, Structural damage, Damaged/Disabled Safety System 
11-22-2023 1130 G05753 MO 916 AP Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
10-21-2023 1304 G19925 MC 127 Crane
10-13-2023 1745 G00985 EI 259 C Required Evacuation, LTA (> 3 days)
09-21-2023 1505 G05052 SP 83 A Injury
09-21-2023 0745 00694 SP 28-13V Loss of Well Control, Pollution
09-21-2023 0100 G01220 EI 158 JB Required Evacuation - RW/JT (> 3 days)
09-09-2023 1600 G02600 SM 281 C Shutdown from gas release
09-04-2023 1320 G17565 AC 857 Pollution
09-04-2023 0900 G13808 HI A 379 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
08-20-2023 1000 G00983 EI 2521 I Crane, Incident > 25 K
08-10-2023 1735 G15050 WC 33 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
07-22-2023 1300 G02445 VK 900 Required Evacuation, Fire
07-03-2023 1545 G22812 MP 270 Required Evacuation, RW/JT (1-3 days)
07-03-2023 1500 G33596 VR 170 Required Evacuation, LTA (1-3 days)
06-21-2023 0920 G17565 AC 857 Fire, Required Muster, Incident > $25,000
06-19-2023 0800 G16661 MC 941 A Mooring Line Failure, <$25K
06-18-2023 1835 P00205 LA 6912 Required Evacuation, LTA (> 3 days), Other Lifting
06-07-2023 1100 G09821 MC 520 Other Lifting: Elevators
06-02-2023 1230 G02757 HI A 382 F Crane, Incident > $25K, Other - Repair & Maint.
05-31-2023 0900 G26313 GC 468 Other Lifting, Evac, LTA>3 days
05-25-2023 0115 G13576 EC 71 Pollution
05-12-2023 1605 G02280 SM 130 B Crane, Incident > 25K
05-10-2023 0933 G16661 MC 941 A Required muster
04-21-2023 1200 G14224 GB 216 Other: EDS
03-21-2023 1645   MC 854 Injury Requiring Evacuation - LTA (>3 days), Crane,
Other - Material Handing
03-20-2023 0230 G17015 WR 758 Other Lifting - Dropped Object
03-12-2023 1630 G02213 MP 311 Injury Requiring Evacuation - LTA (>3 days),
Other - Pressure Release
02-24-2023 1115 G07963 MC 807 Injury Requiring Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
02-18-2023 2127 G09868 MC 778 RW/JT (1-3 days), Other - Lifting - Dropped Drill Pipe
2-17-2023 0430 G01083 WD 73 Required Muster, Shutdown from Gas Release,
Incident > $25,000
02-04-2023 1405 G02280 SM 130 Fire
01-31-2023 1045 G01023 SS 224 E Structural damage
01-07-2023 1920 G31938 WR 51 Other: Lifting
01-06-2023 1300   MC 807 B Pollution
01-05-2023 1730 G02705 HI A 547 Fire
01-03-2023 2217 G17565 AC 857 Fire, Required Muster, Incident > $25,000

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
11-19-2022 0430 G00016 WD 31 E Allision - Incident > $25000 
11-16-2022 0510 G36191 EB 699 Pollution
11-14-2022 0840 G02280 SM 130 A RW/JT > 3 Days
11-8-2022 06:45 G00375 MP 42 D Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
10-21-2022 0910 G17182 Hi 472 A Pollution
09-13-2022 1245 G05911 GC 205 A Crane
09-10-2022 1630 G14205 EB 602 LTA >3 Days
09-7-2022 1600 G24878 SM 192 A Crane - Incident > $25,000
08-20-2022 10:07 G05868 MC 809 A Fire
08-02-2022 1130 00310 SM 237 #177 LTA > 3 Days
07-29-2022 09:00 G01084 WD 74 Shutdown From Gas Release
07-22-2022 2203 G35662 GC 478 Other Lifting
07-13-2022 20:45 G16623 MC 582 Required Muster, Shutdown From  Gas Release
06-30-2022 23:46   MP 268 Pollution
06-27-2022 1745 G11081 GC 645 Fire, Damaged/Disabled Safety Sys.
06-27-2022 12:00 G02353 HI 110 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
06-24-2022 13:00 G02274 VR 369 Crane
06-24-2022 1147 G04782 MP 260 P Explosion - required evacuation
06-19-2022 0930 G01083 WD 73 C LTA >3 Days
06-08-2022 1310 G09868 MC 778 A Pollution
06-06-2022 1030 G098668 MC 778 Pollution
05-26-2022 09:00 G02719 HI A 582 Pollution, Other: spill > 1 bbl
05-19-2022 2145 G14224 GB 216 RW/JT > 3 Days
05-13-2022 00:11 G01084 WD 74 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
05-08-2022 11:30 G-31534 MC 940 Pollution
05-07-2022 0910 G13917 SS 193 Fire
04-14-2022 00:30 G08241 GB 426 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
04-06-2022 12:15 G02937 WD 109 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
04-01-2022 08:15 G19409 AC 815 Other Lifting: Top Drive
03-28-2022 08:30 G07760 SS 300 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
03-18-2022 1800 G19409 AC 815 Pollution
03-03-2022 03:15 G12136 EW 873 Fire, Incident >$25K: Generator, Required Muster
02-25-2022 05:30 G01083 WD 73 Pollution
02-21-2022 12:15 G35733 WR 315 Other Lifting
01-30-2022 05:30 G02947 MP 73 Fire 
01-27-2022 16:25 G02947  MP 73 Fire  - required muster
01-26-2022 01:06 G09981 GC 825 Other - Lifting - Pipe Skate
01-23-2022 15:45 G14205 EB 602 Workover
01-23-2022 01:40 G09981 GC 825  Other - Lifting -  Dropped object
01-15-2022 16:10 G35864 GC 389 Pollution, Other: EDS-Spill
01-10-2022 06:00 G01874 WD 80 Required Muster - Production, Coiled Tubing - Equipment Failure, Leak

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-13-2021 1115 00060 SS 72 OF Crane - >25K
12-10-2021 00:30 G08241 GB 426 Other -  Lifting -  Pipe Racker 
12-09-2021 10:30 G02323 EI 360 Injury - Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days) - Crane
12-03-2021 13:00 G35313 MC 82 Crane
12-01-2021 19:30 G06898 VK 989 Crane, Incident >$25K
11-30-2021 19:17 G33733 MC 437 Fire -  INCIDENT >$25K 701 generator enclosure  - REQUIRED MUSTER 
11-27-2021 09:30 G23740  WC 96 Fire
11-23-2021 15:30 G08241 GB 426 Injury - Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
11-20-2021 13:15 G21790 GC 338 Production - Equipment failure - Human Error
11-20-2021 02:15 G08852  MC 764 Incident >$25K Damage and recovery - Other Dropped Objects
11-13-2021 16:20 G21801  GC 518 OTHER LIFTING Elevators 
10-29-2021 10:00 G17565 AC 857 Pollution
10-10-2021 20:45 G14221 GB 172 Injury - Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
10-09-2021 09:10 G04909 MP 64 Explosion - Line Failure and Rupture 
09-26-2021 09:30  00026  WD 30 T Injury - Required Evacuation - Medical Recordable 
09-25-2021 10:30 G01083  WD 73 D Injury - Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
09-23-2021 10:10 G01238 PL 23 Fire
09-21-2021 16:08  00375  MP 42 Fire -  INCIDENT >$25K Property Damage from Fire  - REQUIRED MUSTER
08-29-2021 03:00 G05868 MC 809 Injury - LTA (>3 days), Pollution, Structural Damage, Incident - >$25K Damage due to Hurricane Ida, Other - Lost Object(s) 
08-27-2021 14:00 G07963 MC 807 Injury - Required Evacuation - Medical Treatment 
08-18-2021 13:00 00175 GI 43 Crane - Incident >$25K
08-07-2021 15:00 G02572 VR 331 Other - Man Overboard
08-01-2021 10:10 G01238 PL 23 Fire
07-18-2021 09:30 G10380 AC 25 Incident >$25K #4 mooring line failure
07-17-2021 10:30 G19409 AC 815 Incident >$25K Vessel Electrical System/LMRP - Other: Total Power Loss 
07-10-2021 18:15 G19996 MC 773 Crane - Other - Dropped Object
06-25-2021 10:45 G07963 MC 807 B Injury - Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
06-09-2021 14:45 G02193 MP 140 Pollution - Other - Pipeline Leak
06-07-2021 14:15   MC 474 Other -  Injury - Finger laceration
06-07-2021 13:00 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
06-04-2021 09:30 G33242 GC 281 Injury - RW/JT (>3 days)
05-29-2021 05:00 G19996  MC 773 Other - drill line unspooled
05-27-2021 14:15 G19996 MC 773 Injury - required evacuation
05-25-2021 07:00 G02665 BA A 133 Explosion
05-08-2021 11:00 G13662 MP 283 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days) - Other Lifting - manual hand dolly
05-07-2021 17:00 G05599 ST 100 Crane - Incident >$25K - Material cost and installation
05-06-2021 07:00 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
05-02-2021 10:11 G01361 ST 26 Fire  - Incident >$25K (2,000,000)
04-26-2021 01:00 G17565 AC 857 Other - Lifting - Traveling Block
04-24-2021 19:00 00374 MP 41 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days) - Crane
04-17-2021 14:15 G33733 MC 437 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
04-03-2021 13:10 G08241 GB 426 Injury - required evacuation - RW/JT (>3 days)
03-28-2021 11:15 G02445 VK 900 Fire - Equipment Failure
03-28-2021 01:00 G34529 GB 962 Pollution - Surface - Shallow Water Flow
03-16-2021 20:30 G02323 EI 360 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
03-14-2021 10:50 G01870 ST 26 Crane
02-27-2021 04:20 G17001 WR 508 Crane - Dropped Object
02-14-2021 03:30 G11081 GC 645 Other - Lifting - PRS Gripper
02-12-2021 09:00 G02323 EI 360 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
02-04-2021 02:30 G07462 GB 260 Injury - Lifting - Wireline Unit
02-03-2021 02:00 G11081 GC 645 Crane
01-27-2021 13:30 G34561 GC 821 Pollution
01-15-2021 15:26 G15607 GC 743 Lifting - Casing Elevator
01-13-2021 23:04 G05868 MC 809 Shutdown from gas release - required muster
01-10-2021 15:35 G07493 GB 427 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
01-09-2021 08:30 00026 WD 30 Shutdown from gas release
01-09-2021 06:00 G24102  MC 727 Loss of Well control (LWC) - Underground
01-07-2021 13:30 G02592 SM 149 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
01-07-2021 02:06 G05052 SP 83 Structural Damage >$25K Est. minimum 1.5 MM

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-25-2020 18:00 G01967 MP 153 Other - Compressor Backfired
12-22-2020 15:30 G02445 VK 900 Fire
12-20-2020 03:08 G16764 GC 609 Lifting - Elevator
12-09-2020 18:06 G05868 MC 809 Gas Release
11-29-2020 06:57 00842 WD 105 Fire
11-23-2020 07:00 G26253 MC 392 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
11-21-2020 19:45 G06896 VK 956 Shutdown from gas release
11-16-2020 03:30 G12136 EW 873 Pollution - spill
10-31-2020 18:00 G27277 MC 503 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
10-28-2020 11:44 G35879  GC 895  Human Error / Weather Related 
10-22-2020 13:59 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
10-21-2020 06:47 G00985 EI 259 Fire
10-18-2020 08:20 G19931 MC 243  Other Injury - Amputated fingertip. Required Evacuation - RW/JT (>3 days)
10-17-2020 04:45 G02940 SP 57 Allision - Required Evacuation - Structural Damage - Incident >25000 
10-13-2020 07:30 G01372 BS 55 Structural Damage -  Incident >$25K
09-29-2020 17:15 G32954 AC 380 Other - Work Environment
09-28-2020 12:49 G07493 GB 427 Other - Lifting - Construction Hoist Block
09-26-2020 13:00 G02324 EI 361 Crane
09-22-2020 14:30 G07963 MC 807 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
09-21-2020 21:00 G18745 WR 634 Other - Lifting - CMC
09-18-2020 06:40 G36155 GB 1003 Required Evacuation, RW/JT (1-3 days)
09-09-2020 08:30 00375 MP 42 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
09-08-2020 13:30 G02177 SP 49 Injury - required evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
08-02-2020 19:25   MC 778 Shutdown From Gas release
08-13-2020 16:20 G04940 GC 18 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
07-15-2020 14:11 G33733 MC 437 Shutdown From Gas release - Required Muster
07-13-2020 10:55   MC 778 Pollution
07-09-2020 15:15 G08496 MC 657 Pollution
07-05-2020 10:00 G05800 EW 826 Other Lifting: 10k Tugger
06-27-2020 17:25 G27277 MC 503 Pollution - Incident >$25K
04-27-2020 03:00 G35292 EW 305 Shutdown from gas release 
03-23-2020 11:30 G07827 MP 259 Injury - Required Evacuation -  RW/JT  (>3 days)
03-21-2020 12:00 00310 SM 223  – finger injury
02-22-2020 15:30 G19822 G19822 Crane
02-17-2020 08:00 G02592 SM 149 Injury - Required Evacuation - Crane
02-12-2020 04:30 G27278 MC 519 Crane incident - >$25K $264,021.13 - Other: Dropped Object Gantry Crane
02-10-2020 17:45 G09524 VR 371 A - Crane
02-02-2020 16:00 G11455 GB 128 Sandblasting incident
02-02-2020 12:30 G12142 EW 921 Structural damage - Crane - Incident >$25K
01-29-2020 14:00 G33733 MC 437 Incident >$25K Ram Roller Winch, Other - Mooring line
01-24-2020 19:00 00026 WD 30 Other - Material Lost Overboard
01-23-2020 12:00 G31418 ST 331 Required Evacuation, Other Injury, Fire, Incident > $25k, Required Muster, Shutdown From Gas Release
01-20-2020 10:00 G02638 MC 194 Injury - Required Evacuation - Crane
01-19-2020 14:00   EI 238 Incident involving IP falling down stairs resulting in evacuation with over 3 days of restricted work
01-16-2020 05:30   EI 252 Injury- Required Evacuation - RW/JT  (>3 days). Crane
01-15-2020 07:15 G06896 VK 956 Injury - Received 7 stitches

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-13-2019 17:15 G09184 EB 643 - Crane
12-10-2019 12:45 G16942 WR 29 Other Lifting
12-09-2019 07:00 G02647 EB 160 - Crane
12-04-2019 07:04 G02359 HI  446 Other: P&A - Equipment Failure - Human Error
11-24-2019 07:00 00023 WD 27 Fire
11-22-2019 09:34 G35918 GB 491 - Fire - Incident >$25K - Required Muster
11-12-2019 12:00 G32303 MC 208 Damaged/Disabled Safety Sys.SCSSV
10-15-2019 07:55 G01665 MP 288 Crane Incident>$25K Damaged Crane Boom
10-07-2019 15:30 G01194 SM 58 Required Evactuation, RW/JT (1-3 days)
10-07-2019 11:10 G01241 ST 51 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
10-06-2019 17:00 G01372 BS 54 Incident > $25K
10-02-2019 09:55 G02366 HI 474 Injury Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
09-22-2019 06:55 G12362 MP 299 Primer Ignition
09-16-2019 17:00 G21790 GC 338 Other Injury: First Aid, Crane
09-13-2019 15:30 G22897 MC 724 Required Evacuation
09-11-2019 13:30 G01194 SM 58 -Other Lifting
09-09-2019 23:00 G05431 VR 252 Fire, Incident >$25K
08-08-2019 09:30 G02103 EI 257 Injury Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
08-07-2019 04:30 G33341 KC 686 Injury Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
08-03-2019 05:50 G05889 GC 65 Collision > $ 25K, Incident > $25K
07-20-2019 08:30 00796 EI 100 Injury Required Evacuation
07-16-2019 07:00 00031 GI 22 Pollution
07-14-2019 21:50 G32334 MC 547 Fire, Incident > $25k, Required Muster
07-01-2019 14:00 G02274 VR 369 Injury RW/JT (>3 days) with a required evacuation
06-25-2019 20:45 G10437 DC 4 Other Lifting: Rope socket - Dropped object
06-07-2019 22:35 G31534 MC 94 Incident >$25K
06-05-2019 09:15 G01608 SP 60 Other Injury
06-02-2019 14:30 G33178 MC 816 Other
05-28-2019 21:00 G21444 KC 875 Incident / Required Muster
05-27-2019 14:30 G01083 WD 73 Crane, Incident > $25k
05-24-2019 1600 G02317 EI 333 Injury Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
05-20-2019 14:00 G02280 SM 130 Injury Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 Days)
05-06-2019 19:35 G32771 HI A 469 Injury, Required Evac
05-06-2019 07:48 G33733 MC 437 Damaged/Disabled Safety Sys.
05-04-2019 14:00 G23624 MC 474 Damaged/Disabled Safety Sys., Incident >$25k, Other
04-26-2019 03:55 G21444 KC 875 Injury, Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
04-13-2019 06:15 G09384 WC 61 Injury, Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
04-08-2019 06:00 G01238 PL 23 -Fire -Incident >25K
04-01-2019 00:55 G32301 MC 199 Pollution
03-31-2019 17:45 G08241 GB 426 Required Evacuation, LTA (>3 days)
03-30-2019 12:00 G01083 WD 73 Pollution
03-31-2019 08:00 G07995 GC 158 Injury, Required Evacuation, LTA > 3 days
03-29-2019 19:25 G22898 MC 725 Failed Slips, Dropped Tubing
02-14-2019 07:30 00479 EI 53 Required Evacuation, Fire, Required Muster
02-14-2019 01:00 G05825 MC 109 Explosion
02-11-2019 16:40 00050 EI 120 Injury, Required Evacuation, LTA > 3 days
01-21-2019 06:45 G01673 MP 296 Injury, Required Evac., 
01-17-2019 09:30 G01604 WD 152 Fire, Incident > $25k
01-14-2019 15:00 G20051 GC 243 Damaged/Disabled Safety System - Incident >$25K
01-09-2019 02:20 G16727 GC 282 Other Lifting - hydraulic running tool Incident >$25K $184,000

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-23-2018 18:00 G07049 GC 254 Incident > $25k, Required Muster, Other
12-01-2018 03:39 G34451 MC 607 Other
11-16-2018 15:30 G32654 KC 918 Injury, Required Evac
10-06-2018 09:30 G04109 SM 99 Required Evac., RW/JT (1-3 days)
09-24-2018 08:00 G02111 EI 314 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
09-09-2018 11:30 G01106 WD 133 Pollution 
09-06-2018 20:40 G26313 GC 468 A
Gas Release/Muster
09-04-2018 02:17 G31418 ST 311 Pollution / Overboard Drilling Fluid
08-25-2018 07:30 G02161 GI 76 Pollution, Other
08-25-2018 03:45 G12008 SS 349 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
07-26-2018 01:30 G16942 WR 29 Fire / Incident >$25K
07-25-2018 00:20 00064 SS 114 Lift Boat  /equipment failure, pollution
07-20-2018 08:55 00064 SS 114 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
07-12-2018 22:15 G17565 AC 857 Injury - RW/JT (>3 days)
07-11-2018 12:00   MC 474 Pollution - Equipment Failure
07-07-2018 11:15 G17938 SM 105 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
06-26-2018 15:15 G10942 VK 823 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
06-25-2018 17:30 G12027 PL 5 B H2S Release
06-25-2018 05:30 G07493 GB 427 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days)
05-19-2018 13:23 G11081 GC 645 Required Evac., RW/JT (>3 days)
05-16-2018 10:15 G27306 MC 736 Pollution - Equipment Failure
05-10-2018 17:30 G32504 GC 432 Fire
05-09-2018 08:00 G06280 EB 165 Fire / Incident > $25K
05-08-2018 09:15 RUE #: 23579 GC 787 A
Gas Release
05-05-2018 07:45 G06850 MO 872 Crane
04-30-2018 22:30 G10437 DC 4 Pollution - Chemical leak in flying lead
04-25-2018 17:00 G05431 VR 252 A Crane - Equipment Failure
04-21-2018 09:00 G21444 KC 875 LTA (>3 days)
04-16-2018 11:45 00479 EI 53 C Injury - RW/JT (>3 days)
04-12-2018 15:30 00577 EI 208 Injury Requiring Evacuation / RW/JT (1-3 days)
04-11-2018 17:15 G05006 HI 22 Injury Requiring Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Fire
04-05-2018 15:18 G02433 HI 368 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
03-22-2018 12:30 00060 SS 72 J Fire
03-16-2018 16:30 G31195 AC 728 Other Lifting Device (Chain Hoist Trolley)
03-14-2018 16:40 G13367 GB 161 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Other Lifting Device
02-23-2018 06:45 G01023 SS 224 D POLLUTION
02-02-2018 07:50 G02324 EI 361 Injury - LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
01-26-2018 06:00 00175 GI 43 Pollution
01-22-2018 23:30 G06894 VK 915 Pollution

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-27-2017 18:45 G22987 GC 680 A (Constitution) Required Muster / >$25,000
12-03-2017 22:15 G13944 GI 116 Fire
11-29-2017 20:15 G34340 ST 224 Pollution / Crane / Incident > $25K
11-28-2017 14:00 G02893 EI 24 Fire / Injury Requiring Evacuation
11-26-2017 04:05 G27982 EW 834 Flowback
11-14-2017 12:15 G21618 SM 93 Injury - LTA (1-3 days), Required Evacuation
11-12-2017 18:30 G04464 ST 200 Well Control Incident
11-08-2017 01:20 G11445 GB 128 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / LTA (> 3 days) / Fire / Explosion / Structural Damage / Incident > $25K / Required Muster / Platform Evacuation
11-04-2017 14:40 G02947 MP 73 Fire / Incident > $25K / Required Muster
11-03-2017 13:50 G09743 VK 817 Required Evac., LTA (>3 days)
10-21-2017 14:15 00050 EI 120 Injury - LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
10-19-2017 19:11 G31362 EI 11 H LTA (>3 days), Required Evacuation
10-16-2017 17:30 G09868 MC 778 Other Lifting, Incident >$25K
10-13-2017 05:30 G04909 MP 64 Collision > $25K / Structural Damage
10-11-2017 00:15 G01362 ST 28 PRD Fire
09-19-2017 16:00 G11445 GB 128 Gas Release / Required Muster
09-18-2017 11:00 G09868 MC 778 Loss of Power
09-15-2017 11:50 G04842 ST 34 B Crane
09-13-2017 07:09 G15610 GC 782 A Pollution
09-11-2017 11:38 G02280 SM 130 A Injury -  Severed Finger
08-25-2017 09:05 G04452 EI 182 Injury - Thumb
08-10-2017 13:50 G02650 EB 110 Fire
08-02-2017 15:15 G00590 SS 177 A Fire
07-20-2017 16:45 G03331  EI 251 Travel Block Incident
07-16-2017 16:30 G12355 SS 198 J Injury - Explosion - Incident >$25,000
06-27-2017 21:20 G17015 WR 758 Pollution
06-10-2017 15:15 G01361 ST 26 A Injury - Fire - Incident >$25,000
06-07-2017 09:30 G07493 GB 427 Pollution
06-03-2017 19:35 G02184 SP 77 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA > 3 days
05-31-2017 14:10 G02118 EI 338 Crane
05-29-2017 09:30 G07493 GB 427 Injury Requiring Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
05-26-2017 05:30 G25174 GC 627 Incident > $25K / Required Muster
04-29-2017 01:12 G22987 GC 680 Fire - Required Muster
04-28-2017 16:51 G02118 EI-338 Crane
04-26-2017 08:30 G01757 BA A105 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
04-11-2017 07:10 G25174 GC 627 Crane
04-07-2017 15:00 G35662 GC 478 Crane
03-21-2017 10:00 G22987 GC 680 Fire - Required Muster
03-14-2017 23:30 G04139 MI 657 Fire
02-25-2017 4:30 G35153 AC 772 Incident >$25K
02-10-2017 9:00 G34986 GC 521 Incident > $25K
02-10-2017 02:23 G24194 GC 859 Injury Requiring Evacuation
02-06-2017 7:40 G34986 GC 521 Top Drive
01-27-2017 08:00 G01619 SP 93 Crane, Injury Requiring Evacuation
01-18-2017 04:00 G02646 EB 159 Other - Casing Weld Failure
01-05-2017 2:00 G01034 SS 266 Required Evacuation - Fire - Incident >$25K

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-23-2016 15:50 00420 SS 154 Fire
12-10-2016 05:40 G31752 GC 807 Fire – Equipment Failure
11-26-2016 14:06 G21861 WR 551 Shutdown from Gas Release
11-08-2016 14:21 --------- HI A 595 Human Error
11-06-2016 10:50 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
10-17-2016 01:00 00763 WC 180 LTA (>3 days) - Human Error - Required Evacuation
10-16-2016 09:30 G15610 GC 782 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days)
09-21-2016 19:15 G02650 EB 110 -Incident >$25K- Crane
09-21-2016 08:28 00367 WD 32 -Pollution
09-11-2016 10:30 G21861 WR 551 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
09-11-2016 08:26 G11075 GC 562 Other - Human Error
08-07-2016 22:25 G20082 GC 640 Required Evacuation - LTA (1-3 days) - Crane
08-28-2016 08:00 G02393 HI A 573 RW/JT (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
07-27-2016 05:20 G20351 WR 584 Required Evacuation - Other Lifting Device (Vital Level Hoist)
07-22-2016 17:25 G18402 GC 608 LTA (>3 days) - Fire - Required Evacuation
05-31-2016 14:45 G12808 WC 616 RW/JT (1-3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
05-29-2016 13:10 G12362 MP 299 H2S release through corroded piping
05-25-2016 15:00 G17565 AC 857 Pollution
05-19-2016 20:30 G20082 GC 640 Required Evacuation - RW/JT (> 3 days) - Incident > $25K
05-13-2016 17:30 G12761 WC 130 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation - Crane
05-05-2016 13:39 G17565 AC 857 Crane - Lost Time Accident
05-05-2016 09:30 G33764 MC 895 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation
05-03-2016 16:20 G01083 WD 73 Crane
05-02-2016 23:00 G33531 KC 96 Crane
04-25-2016 17:20 G08241 GB 426 Injury Requiring Evacuation
04-13-2016 03:15 G17001 WR 508 Fire - Required Muster
04-05-2016 20:20 G17408 GB 669 Required Evacuation -- RW/JT (>3 days) -- Other Lifting Device (Hand Winch)
03-20-2016 23:43 G20085 GC 654 Human Error
03-12-2016 10:06 G35137 AC 475 Fire - Incident >$25K - Required Muster
03-03-2016 18:45 G09868 MC 778 Pollution
02-29-2016 19:30 G01238 PL 23 Fire - Equipment Failure – Leak – Required Muster
02-17-2016 17:15 G14224 GB 216 Pollution
02-14-2016 02:30 G02429 HI A 351 Human Error
02-13-2016 13:25 G34025 HI 117 Fire – Equipment Failure
02-08-2016 13:15 G17565 AC 857 Required Evacuation – LTA (1-3 days)
02-06-2016 18:15 G17565 AC 857 LTA (1-3 days) - RW/JT (> 3 days)
02-05-2016 06:40 G02647 EB 160 Crane
01-30-2016 16:00 G33735 MC 471 Human Error
01-24-2016 17:00 G06280 EB 165 A Required Evacuation – RW/JT (>3 days)
01-18-2016 21:38 G02111 EI 314 RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation/ Human Error
01-16-2016 15:00 G22296 EB 690 Pollution. Inadvertent EDS. Indident >$25K 47500.00
01-15-2016 15:30 00133 GI 47 LTA (>3 days) – Required Evacuation
01-07-2016 22:45 G16759 GC 596 Crane
01-06-2016 08:10 G25804 KC 770 Other - Deck Damage 5” hole
01-02-2016 09:10 G26315 GC 512 Other (Dropped Object)
01-01-2016 03:00 G01953 WC 144 Collision >$25K - Collision - Structural Damage

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-23-2015 11:20 G17015 WR 677 Equipment Failure
12-16-2015 18:45 - VR 261 Equipment Failure – Human Error
12-13-2015 16:37 G35137 AC 475 Fire – Required Muster
12-03-2015 04:20 G08211 EB 945 Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
12-01-2015 22:00 G02647 EB 160 Human Error, Equipment Failure, Crane Boom Collapse
11-30-2015 09:15 G24130 MC 942 LTA (1-3 days) - RW/JT(>3days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
11-27-2015 11:15 G17001 WR 508 Equipment Failure
11-26-2015 10:25 G33388 PN 975 Fire
11-26-2015 01:31 G04464 ST 200 Required Evacuation – RW/JT (>3 days
11-17-2015 07:00 G02353 HI 110 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation- Human Error
11-12-2015 01:00 G17565 AC 857 Other Lifting Device - Incident > $25K
11-07-2015 21:00 G15607 GC 743 LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation/ Other Injury/ Equipment Failure/ Human Error
11-03-2015 16:40 G02647 EB 160 RW/JT (1-3 days) - Required Evacuation- Human Error
10-29-2015 17:40 G18421 GC683 LTA (>3 days) - Required Evacuation -Crane
10-28-2015 02:55 G26693 GB 978 Required Evacuation - LTA (> 3 days)
10-24-2015 23:15 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
10-22-2015 06:00 G34634 GC 643 RW/JT (1-3days) – Other Injury – Other Lifting Device
10-16-2015 20:15 G21790 GC 338A Required Evacuation / Pollution / Equipment Failure
10-09-2015 00:15 G01619 SP 93 Fire - Required Muster
10-02-2015 20:25 G04548 MI 685 Fire
10-01-2015 12:40 G11383 HI A442 LTA (> 3 days)
09-21-2015 17:47 G09184 EB 643 Other Lifting Device
09-15-2015 05:10 G27306 MC 736 Fire – Smoke / Melted Velcro
08-31-2015 01:00 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
08-18-2015 12:45 G10977 >MC 129 LTA (1-3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
08-13-2015 00:30 G34634 WR 160 Other Lifting Device
08-08-2015 15:55 G31938 WR 51 Pollution
08-04-2015 06:45   HI 160 JA Required Evacuation / Other / Human Error
07-04-2015 11:20 G34461 MC 812 LTA (>3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
07-02-2015 04:00 G18194 MC 126 Pollution
06-29-2015 12:00 G14221 GB 172 B RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-28-2015 09:55 G33109 ST 127 Required Evacuation - LTA (>3 days)
06-25-2015 21:00 G03068 MU A 111 A Fire
06-23-2015 18:00 G03068 MU A 111 A Other Injury / Required Evacuation
06-20-2015 14:05 G16647 MC 772 Pollution - Spill
06-19-2015 06:05 G11881 VR 279 Pollution
06-18-2015 15:00 00830 SS229 Incident>$25K - Crane
06-12-2015 20:00 G02698 HI A 537 B LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation / Crane
06-12-2015 12:30 G02423 HI A 334 A LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-09-2015 10:15 G15607 GC 743 LTA (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
06-07-2015 08:40 00457 ST 131K Collision >$25K
06-06-2015 21:51 G34462 MC 814 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
05-27-2015 05:30 G02705 HI A 547 LTA (>3 days)/Required Evacuation
05-10-2015 04:30 G02705 HI A 547 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days) / Human Error
05-09-2015 17:30 G06280 EB 165 A Shutdown from Gas Release / Fire / Incident >$25K /Required Muster
04-20-2015 12:30 G13808 HI A 379 B Fire / Incident >$25K (#2 Diesel Generator) / Equipment Failure
04-08-2015 22:52 G35001 GC 643 Incident >$25K
04-06-2015 06:30 G00985 EI 259 C Other Injury / Failed to report to Lessee / Human Error
04-01-2015 13:30 G30926 KC 147 Pollution
03-26-2015 0900 G17001 WR 508 Incident >$25K - Item Lost Overboard
03-23-2015 05:05 G32460 GB 958 Pollution
03-21-2015 15:00 G14205 EB 602 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
03-16-2015 16:30 G02719 HI A 582 Explosion / Structural Damage / Equipment Failure
03-11-2015 09:00 G13079 EW 910A Drilling / Equipment Failure
03-06-2015 16:15 G27306 MC 736 A Incident >$25K - Mechanical Lifting
02-21-2015 04:00 G06655 EC 346 A Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
02-16-2015 12:40 G16661 MC 941A Pollution / Production / Equipment Failure
02-14-2015 23:30 G16997 WR 469 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure
02-13-2015 11:15 G24101 MC 726 Pollution
02-02-2015 02:30 G01665 MP 288 A Fire
01-25-2015 01:00 G16765 GC 610 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure
01-23-2015 04:30 G01443 ST 27 Fire / Collision > $25,000 / Structural Damage / Incident > $25,000
01-22-2015 23:15 G09868 MC 778 RW/JT (>3 days) / Required Evacuation
01-22-2015 14:54 G14159 HI 154 B Structural Damage / Ship Collision / Human Error / Weather Related
01-18-2015 21:40 G16765 GC 610 Dropped Object / Equipment Failure / Weather Related
01-13-2015 14:55 G27896 SM 234 Required Evacuation -1 / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
01-10-2015 11:00 G14205 EB 602 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) /Human Error
01-09-2015 10:00 G28351 MC 21 Incident >$25K / Crane
01-08-2015 20:40 G15607 GC 743 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error

Military Time Lease Number Area/Block Accident Type
12-30-2014 20:30 G33409 HI 131 Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
12-12-2014 09:00 00830 SS 229 A Required Evacuation / Other Lifting Device / Equipment Failure / Human Error
12-11-2014 08:13 G17001 WR 508 Pollution / Human Error
12-05-2014 07:30 G01187 SM 27 Pollution / Pipeline Leak
11-24-2014 09:50 G05000 MI 622 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error
11-18-2014 11:00 G11455 G11455 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Human Error
11-13-2014 19:30 G33608 VR 342 Pollution / Chemical Release / Human Error
11-05-2014 10:15 00060 SS 72 Fire / Equipment Failure
11-02-2014 15:35 G24194 GC 859 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Human Error / Weather Related
10-27-2014 02:10 G33379 WR 578 Well Control Event (Shut In)
10-25-2014 1900 G02061 EC 321 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) /Completion Fluid U-tubed
10-24-2014 14:55 G14342 WC 544 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Equipment Failure
10-23-2014 11:00 G01039 SS 274 C Diverter / Required Muster / Gas Migration During Cementing
10-21-2014 18:05 G07957 MC 762 Drilling / Human Error / Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days)
10-20-2014 10:00 G01619 SP 93A Fire / Equipment Failure
10-16-2014 22:50 G15563 GC 237 Pollution / Equipment Failure
10-14-2014 01:05 G27698 KC 10 Other Lifting Device/Manriding Basket/Incident > $25K/Billy Pugh Derrick Basket/Human Error
10-13-2014 13:35 G21444 KC875 LTA (>3 days) - Other Injury - Required Evacuation
10-06-2014 20:45 G03068 MU A 111 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3days) / Human Error
10-01-2014 17:00 G19797 EI 355 A Structural Damage / Incident > $25,000 / Equipment Damage
09-25-2014 13:50 G01026 SS 241 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Equipment Failure
09-24-2014 06:00 G16698 GC 155 Pollution / Inadvertent Discharge of SBM / Equipment Failure / Human Error
09-19-2014 12:00 G14205 EB 602 RW/JT (1-3 days) / Required Evacuation-1
09-17-2014 22:30 G06693 SM 147 A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Weather Related
09-13-2014 0900 00796 EI 100 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days)
08-30-2014 20:20 G25814 KC 829 Pollution / Equipment Failure / Overboard Drilling Fluid
08-17-2014 08:30 G27259 MC 79 Incident > $25K / Damage to the Lower Annular / Human Error
08-14-2014 20:20 G25854 DC 398 Incident >$25K / Human Error
08-07-2014 1540 G01610 SP 65A Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
Overhead Hoist / Human Error
08-07-2014 05:25 G33757 MC 782 Incident >$25K / Human Error
08-06-2014 02:00 G02433 HI A 368A Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
07-31-2014 18:30 G03068 MU A 111A Other Injury-1 / Required Evacuation-1
07-31-2014 12:30 G02697 HI A 536 C Required Evacuation / RW/JT (> 3 days) / Human Error
07-30-2014 20:30 00367 WD 32 Crane / Human Error
07-30-2014 16:20 G17858 EC 172 Required Evacuation / Other Injury / Equipment Failure / Human Error
07-18-2014 11:40 G15563 GC 237 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error / Weather Related
07-08-2014 20:35 G27698 KC 10 Required Evacuation/Other Injury/Medical Evaluation/ Human Error
07-07-2014 19:40 G09866 MC 776 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
07-04-2014 14:00 G04537 MU A 31B Voluntary Evacuation for Safety / Construction/ Equipment Failure
06-23-2014 10:30 G10638 EC 328 B Required Evacuation / Pollution / Human Error
06-22-2014 08:45 G02282 SM 132 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3days) / Hip Injury
06-17-2014 22:30 G02061 EC 321 Required Evacuation
06-13-2014 18:30 G11881 VR 279 Required Evacuation /LTA(>3days) /Fire / Human Error
06-09-2014 16:35 G15565 GC 248 Other Lifting Device / Drawworks System / Equipment Failure / Human Error
06-08-2014 10:30 G02579 VR 379 A Required Evacuation / Neck and Shoulder Injuries
06-06-2014 10:25 G02696 HI A 531 Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / Finger Injury
06-05-2014 14:00 G00989 EI 276 Required Evacuation / Rib Injury
05-23-2014 23:00 G31613 GB 213 Pollution / Human Error / Overboard Drilling Fluid
05-17-2014 08:30 G32224 ST 285 LTA (>3 days) / RW/JT (1-3 days) / Human Error
05-08-2014 02:00 G18402 GC 608 Fire / Human Error
05-07-2014 19:30 G05868 MC 809 Required Evacuation / RW/JT(1-3 days) / Human Error
05-02-2014 01:18 G22898 MC 725 Pollution / Human Error
04-18-2014 19:00 G02274 VR 369 A Fire / Equipment Failure
04-09-2014 20:30 G13091 EW 1003 A Required Evacuation / LTA (1-3 days) / Human Error
03-25-2014 22:00 00367 WD 32 Fire / Crane / Equipment Failure
03-25-2014 06:10 G27277 MC 503 Pollution / Equipment Failure
03-24-2014 16:30 G02721 HI A 595 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error
03-01-2014 22:15 G00796 EI 100 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days)
02-25-2014 15:00 G02587 SM 128 Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days)
02-22-2014 16:30 G10380 AC 25 Required Evacuation / RW/JT (>3 days) / Thumb Injury / Human Error
02-21-2014 21:10 G31474 MC 26 Required Evacuation / LTA (> 3 days) / Human Error
02-19-2014 21:40 G08241 GB 426 Required Evacuation/LTA (>3 days)
02-14-2014 14:45 G00577 EI 208 J RW/JT (>3 days) / Human Error / Other
02-12-2014 19:10 G13997 MC 29 Pollution
02-11-2014 19:45 G17565 AC 857 Pollution / Human Error
02-06-2014 19:00 G02665 BA A 133/td> Required Evacuation / LTA (>3 days) / Bicep Injury
01-05-2014 17:45 G02646 EB 159 A Fire / Generator
01-03-2014 05:15 G13808 HI A 379 B Fire / Generator
01-02-2014 02:17 G15546 GC 113 Structural Damage / Incident >$25K / Equipment Failure / Human Error